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Anushka had a good day. Many birthday wishes, many gifts and usually uptight teachers trying their best to be polite to the birthday girl.

She walked home carrying her huge gift that was given to her by Virat - curious as ever to know what was in it.


"Hey Nushki - looks like you had a good day" Anushka's father mentioned as soon as she entered the house with a smile.

"Yeah papa! Definitely..." she said.

"Who's that one from?" He asked, pointing at the big gift. Anushka's mum walked in, carrying the TV remote to sit on the same couch that her father sat on.

"This one? Oh Virat" she said, trying to sound casual.

Anushka's mother immediately smiled.

"I thought he went to Bangalore today?" Her father questioned.

"Yeah he did, he asked his friend to give it to me" she said.

Anushka's mother continued sheepishly smiling.

"What?" Anushka questioned her mother after noticing her expression.

I'm response, her mother shrugged and said "nothing" not really doing anything about her expression.


What would Virat have brought her? What could it be?

Anushka sat down on her bed, placing the gift in front of her - crossing her legs.

She began ripping at it savagely.

Until she saw some writing on another box underneath the first layer of wrapping. It was in Virat's handwriting.

Woh chill there woman! The gift ain't going anywhere - take your time.

Anushka rolled her eyes although she had a smile on her face.

She opened the box only to see another layer of wrapping paper.

She took it out to see another, much smaller box.

She unwrapped it.

Hahahaha I bet you thought I forgot your birthday - I'm a great actor aren't I? Maybe that should be my backup plan if cricket doesn't work out eh?

Was written on the next box.

Anushka sighed picking up the next, smaller box.

Ripping the next layer of wrapping and opening the box revealed another message.

I'm sorry I'm putting you though this, but you know that good things come to people who wait - so keep digging soldier.

Anushka giggled taking the much smaller box in her hands.

You maybe wondering why this gift keeps getting smaller and smaller? Well, I chose the big box to create an impact. No one asks about small boxes - but you see a big box and you're like wooahh. I bet your parents asked who it's from right? ;) also last one...

Anushka smiled at Virat's explanation.

Ripping at the last wrapping paper - or she thought.

Haha I lied. This time

Anushka rolled her eyes.

I lied again lol.

"For fucks sake" Anushka said under her breath.

She finally opened a box that could be mistaken as the baby of the initial big box. It was tiny.

It revealed a beautiful necklace with a small diamond hanging from it. She recognised it.


It was one of their usual evening sessions of so called tutoring in the library.

"What are you doing Anu?" Virat said looking up from his Math text book.

"Trying to avoid interacting with you by all means." Anushka replied sarcastically.

"By looking at a catalog from some jewelery shop?" He asked amused.

"Yeap. This necklace - look at it, it's so gorgeous." Anushka said passing the catelog to Virat.

"Oooooh sooooo pretty and gorgeous" Virat mocked Anushka.

Anushka grabbed the catalog back from Virat gaining a laugh from him.

"No but seriously give it back I want to see" Virat asked, now being serious.

She gave it to him again reluctantly.

"Fuck? Why are these so damn expensive?"

"Men. Don't appreciate the beauty just goes straight for the price."

"Is that a metaphor of some sort ?" Virat asked smiling.

Anushka shrugged smiling.

"Well for your information men definitely do appreciate beauty alright?"

"Mkay." Anushka said looking up.

"Why do you like this necklace? I mean, there are so many other necklaces here"

"Well it's simple and I love simple."

Virat raised his eyebrows.

"Simple but expensive."

"Simple but effecttive, plus why do you care ? It's not like you're going to buy it for me anyway?"

"Well I have a have habit of saving a lot of money each year from my pocket money."

"Yeah but it's not like your going to spend it on me like ever! - never." Anushka said confidently laughing.

"Never say never Anu" Virat said teasingly going back to his math textbook.


Holy shit. He actually brought it. What the actual hell? Anushka thought, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She held the necklace up in her hands to check it. It was so beautiful. And Virat thought that she deserved it.

A small note was left inside the small box.

I told you never say never ;) ...PS. you're most welcome.


So what do you guys feel about his gift?

Was it actually a metaphor or nah?

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