Chapter 5, The Only Exception

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Picture of her outfit of the day! :D

Song is the one that Andy got the guys to learn for herrr. Its so sweet<3


I watched Andy walk away and I frowned. What the hell was he getting me to sing? 

"CC!" I screamed, and he walked over carefully.

"Yes?" He said, eyeing me.

"What song is Andy making me sing?" I asked, and he started running away. 

"Ass..." I mumbled, climbing out of the bunk and going for my clothes. I was in the mood for cooler clothes, so I grabbed a white cami, some white skinnies and a varsity jacket. I didn't know what converse I was wearing yet, so I just went to do my hair and makeup.

"Will someone at least tell me who it’s by?!" I yelled, stomping my foot and glaring at the guys. I had finished getting ready and had just worn my neon green converse. 

"NO!" Everyone screamed but Ash, who was now sporting a bruise on his cheek. He covered it up with makeup, but I could still see him poking at it every few minutes. I had skipped most of my warpaint and I had just done my face. Scarlett kept giving me these looks so I kept glaring at her. 

"Not a word, Scar." I mumbled, poking her arm and frowning. 

"I wasn't going to mention that your eyes are red..." She said with a small smile. I grimaced.

"I know. “I told her, getting up and dragging Andy to the bathroom.

"Why is it always the bathroom?" Andy asked me, and I just looked at him.

"Thanks for answering." He mumbled sarcastically. I poked his arm.

"Is there anywhere else we could possible talk without being interrupted?" I asked him, and he motioned for me to follow him. We went to a part of the bus I didn't know existed. It was a bedroom. 

"Why the hell wasn't I informed of the bedroom?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him and glaring. 

"We knew you'd steal it. So, it’s all yours now. But anyway, let’s talk." He said, hopping onto my bed and laying back. I laid next to him and sighed.

"Why is he like this?" I mumbled, barely audible.

"We don't know. That’s something to ask him. I think he's the only one who doesn't see the obvious here." He said, holding my hand. I sighed.

"And what’s the obvious?" I mumbled back, looking up at him.

"That you two like each other. I know you have to be able to see it. The looks he gives you, the way he lights up when you walk in a room. The way he is angry at himself, not you and Jake. He's obviously mad at himself for being such a dick about this whole thing." 

"Really?" I said, my eyes wide.

"Yes, really. I'm so sorry Carolyn." I heard from the door, and saw Ash standing there.

"Ashley...I..." I started to say, but I had to stop talking. Andy got up and left us, and Ash scooted towards me.

"Let me explain?" I said to him, fighting all my tears back. 

"I'm the one who needs to explain." He said. I shook my head.

"No, I kissed Jake. This is my fault. I thought it was you Ash. When I kissed him, I figured you were the one behind me. I had no idea why someone was pulling me away from you, and then I saw it was you. I didn't mean to. I am so sorry. I hoped you would forget about it because I was drunk, but you... And..." I said through tears. He flinched.

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