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"I can't believe you guys let her feed." I said walking beside Damon.

"We didn't let her feed we were just busy and there was blood right there so..." He said trailing off.

"Yeah keep telling your self that." I said listening to everything around us.

We were in the woods looking for Vicki. After Stefan and Damon let her get away. Stefan was at Elena's last I checked. We broke out of the trees and were at the school, I could smell her "she went that way" I said pointing Damon and I walked around.

I could hear her she was talking to someone, Tyler. She was with Tyler. I motioned Damon in on the car I could see them inside. That's when we moved in.

"Aah! Let go of me!" She yelled as I held on to her, I was stronger than her so she couldn't get away no matter how hard she tried.

"What's going on here,Skylar? What's wrong with her?" Tyler asked looking over at me as Damon stood in front of him.

"You don't talk." Damon said looking at Tyler.

"Screw you, dude."Tyler said looking up at Damon.

"Dude" really?, "dude". He said looking down at Tyler.

"Damon,don't." I said watching him.

"Oh come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?" He said looking up at me.

At that moment Tyler hit Damon.

"Ooh! Don't you hurt him." Vicki said struggling in my grip.

I looked away to keep Vicki under control, but when I looked back up Damon had Tyler by the neck. I was getting ready to say something but Damon beat me to it.

"Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here." He said compelling Tyler then he let go.

(Elena POV)

I woke up the next morning and just laid there staring up at the ceiling. I got up and walked to the bathroom opening the door I froze as Jeremy was standing at the sink brushing his teeth.

"Sorry." I said turning to leave.

"Oh, no , it's cool, I'm done." He said putting his toothbrush away.

"You're up early. Where are you going?" I asked pushing the door open all the way and walking in.

"Police station. They're organizing the search party for Vicki , so..."

"Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?" I asked cutting him off.

"What? You're kidding me, right ?" He said looking at me like I had grew two heads.

"You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for." I said watching him in the mirror.

"Yeah, you're lips keep movin'. I don't know why." He said walking out of the room.


We were all in Stefan's room, Damon, Stefan, Vicki and I. While Vicki called Matt.

"Yeah?" I heard him say.

"Matty?" Vicki asked making sure it was him.

"Vicki , where are you? Are you okay?" He said frantically.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She said.

"Tell me where you are , and I'll come to get you." He said as I heard lockers slamming in the background.

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