There Goes The Neighborhood

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"Hey mom! Mom?" Matt yelled walking over to her bedroom door, knocking on it, "hey mom?"

Kelly opened the door wrapping a robe around her, "what? I'm trying to sleep."

"I was just making sure you're alive."

"I'm sorry sweety. It was a late night. My head is throbbing." She walked out passed him and walked into the kitchen.

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't bring the party home. And I'm pretty sure the neighbors would appreciate it too," Matt said as he followed her into the kitchen.

"It wasn't a party, it was one guy, don't be so judgy."

"Well, I talked to Roberta at the grill and there's still a bartending position open if you want to ... get a job," he said as he set a plate down in front of her.

"I figured she'd still be pissed about the last time I went there," Kelly said tilting a coffee mug up and drinking from it.

"I think she's desperate," He said sitting down across from her.

"I'll check it out."


"Don't look so surprised."

"Well, I mean... I didn't know how long you planned on staying around."

"Well, there's back rent due."

"There's back everything mom."

"Like I said, I'll check it out." She smiled at Matt, just as someone knocked on the door, "who's that?" She asked looking over at Matt.

"It's Caroline," Matt said looking over at Kelly as she made a annoyed face, "easy." He said as he turned to the door, "yeah come in!" He yelled, as Caroline opened the door and walked into the kitchen.

"Hello Misses Donovan," Caroline said as she stopped into the entry way of the kitchen. Kelly doesn't say anything as she gets up and leaves the room.

"Hey, okay. Well we're going to be late. So let's get going." Matt said as he walked over to Caroline and kissed her, grabbing his stuff they turn around and walk out the door.

Stefan and Elena stood at her locker as they talked about the other night. "Damon hasn't said a word to me. Every time I try to talk to him he shuts me down. The only one he talks to is Skylar," Stefan said as he leaned his shoulder against the locker.

"Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?"

"I don't know. He waited a hundred and forty five years only to find out that Katherine couldn't not care less. And he's got to hurt, right?"

"And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

"You have every reason to be upset with him. Have you thought any more about what you're going to do?"

"About what? Isobel, my vampire birth mother, who's related to my vampire ancestor Katherine, who screwed over your vampire brother? Nah... I haven't thought about it at all."

"I'm sorry I brought it up," he said as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"It'd just be nice if we could get through one day without having to deal with any of it. No vampire mother or brother,"

"No vampires at all?" Stefan asked Interrupting Elena.

"No vampire, but you. I just want to get us back to normal stuff like school and homework and here's a thought: fun."

"Ooh, that sounds good to me, when do we start?" He asked, making Elena laugh.


"I'm thinking nothing huge, just a dinner at the grill maybe a late movie."

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