A New Member Of The Pack

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Today we went to school yeah i know and guess what it was called Arcai the School for Gifted Children. And as we were walking through the halls of the school for our orientation I herd Jewel moan "this looks like a prissy school"

"I like it so many things to burn and blow up" ,said Flare

"guys shut up and look for possible escape routes you can never be to cautious"

We got to our own class rooms and i had to split up with the twins and i went into the room and met my teacher Mr. Guy (really that was his real name) and I went to the seat at the back 

 and sat right next to a red headed kid and then all of a sudden i herd " hpssst hey Fang i knew i wasn't the only one i just knew it" it came from the red head.

I said "how did you know"

"I saw your wings your vest is sagging my names Jake", said Jake

and so we let him join our pack.

FANG the Avian,Fenrir,Human HybridWhere stories live. Discover now