President Snow's Office

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Snow sat in his office as he waited for news of this years tributes. Jeanine had told him that she had seen to it that the victors that were selected were the ones who were the biggest threats to them.

He watched as a small screen appeared in front of him on his desk. The Panem symbol flashed onto the screen as the Capitol's anthem began to play.

The Reapings from each district were being shown on TV, every citizen in every district would see it.

District 1 was shown first. Snow watched as Loki adressed everyone who was gathered in the square.

There were very few people that Snow feared. But if there was one that made him uneasy it was Loki. He knew that he was called 'the god of mischief' for a reason.

But he had stayed loyal so far but Snow had his eye on him. He watched as he called the name of the first tribute. The name showed on the bottom of the screen.

Tony Stark

There were shouts and cries of outrage in the crowd. Snow watched as Tony Stark, or known as Iron Man, walked up to the stage. Once he was up there he looked one of the cameras straight in the eye and let everyone in the Capitol know just how much he appreciated being sent back to the games by letting loose a long stream of insults and curse words that had to be cut bleeped out.

Snow watched as the second name was read.

Steve Rogers

More cries of outrage followed. Steve walked silently up to the stage and looked quietly over the crowd.

Snow caught a quick flash of fear from Tony's face. He knew that Tony couldn't kill his friend, and that Steve wouldn't kill Tony.

But both were threats to the Capitol. Tony was very popular in the Capitol and Steve seemed to be the very face of freedom and revolution.

Of course there was the threat of people becoming angered with the Capitol for forcing two friends to kill each other, but that could be dealt with easily.

Tony and Steve were led off the stage and to one of the trains that would bring them back to the Capitol.

Next was District 2.

Lex Luthor was in charge of that district. Snow wasn't intimidated by him at all. He wasn't intimidated by him at all.

He watched as he read the first and second name.

Bruce Wayne

Barry Allen

Both walked up to the stage in complete silence. After the Capitol had taken over every superhero had been forced to reveal their identities.

Batman had turned out to be billionaire Bruce Wayne. While the Flash had been a kid named Barry Allen.

Barry wore a black collar around his neck which prevented him from using his powers. He would be allowed to use them during the games. It was how he won his Hunget Games seven years ago.

District 3 was next, and it was probably the weirdest.

Elves, dwarves, hobbits and wizards, it was the stuff of fairytales. Things Snow had been told about when he was a kid. But it was there in front of him. All of these strange races brought from another world. Or another time. He wasn't sure.

Of course it was also home to the one being he feared, Sauron.
He had never actually seen him in person but he knew he was real, and powerful. He didn't know why Sauron didn't just take over the entire world but he seemed content with Middle Earth, as their world was called.

He watched as the Mouth of Sauron, his messenger, called out the names of the tributes.


There was an immediate cry of outrage from the crowd and Snow had been expecting it completely. When Snow had learned that elves were immortal and lived forever he had figured that they could be entered into tue Games more than once.

Legolas was about 4,000 years old from what he'd heard. He'd been in the the Games twice. The first time he had volunteered to take a hobbit's place. The second time he had been reaped fairly.No one had been to the Games three times.

The camera showed Legolas in the crowd. The elf looked like he was about to fall over. His father, Thranduil was shouting in anger. Some orcs were about to move in and silence him but Legolas said something quietly to his father and then walked quietly up to the stage.

The next name was read.


No one really said anything when she was chosen. Snow wasn't surprised that she was chosen. After her games almost the entire nation had felt bad for her and had called ger games "cruel" and "unfair" she was a threat to the Capitol.

Pretty much the same way Katniss was. Almost.

District 4's tributes were Thomas and Minho. Thomas was a threat because he had spent his entire games questioning everything the Capitol did which caused a lot of people to challenge Snow's power. Minho was very popular with the people in the Capitol. He could influence a lot of people into revolting.

District 5's tributes were predictable. Tris Prior and Tobias Eaton. Jeanine had a personal vendetta with both.

District 6's were Jack Sparrow and Will Turner. Both were crowd favorites. Jack was crafty and Will was a great fighter. Both could cause trouble in the districts.

District 7 was the one Snow had been waiting for.

Katniss Everdeen

Peeta Mellark

Perfect. Katniss wouldn't stand a chance against these tributes. She and Peeta may have been able to survive the last Hunger Games but this time they'd be going against legends.

There wad no way they would survive.

And after the games were over and one victor was left, Snow would see to it that an "accident" would occur to officialy remove the threat for good.

Snow didn't care about District 8. No one ever did. The tributes were just two kids. Both wouldn't survive the first minute of the Hunger Games.

Snow turned the screen off and left his office. He wanted to check with the head Gamemaker to see what his plans were for the Games this year.

Little did he know that somewhere else, hidden and unknown to the world, was a group of people busy with plans of their own.

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