Falling for You [5]

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"SIGNE!" Jack shouted. He outstretched his hand to grab her, but she was gone. "Shit! You guys stay here, i'm going after her." Before his shipmates could protest, the captain jumped down into the pit, desperately searching for the girl as he fell. That's when he heard a splash beneath him, and within a few seconds, he was landing in the same pool of water.

Gasping for air, Signe swam to the nearest shore, then proceeded to climb out. When she saw Jack land in the water after her, she released an irritated grunt. "You bastard! You could've told me there would be traps in this cave!" She shouted at him, ringing the liquid out of her hair.
"Well excuuuuse me, Princess!" Captain Jack sassed, swimming toward the young blonde. Rolling her eyes, Signe stood up, her dress weighing even more now with all the water it soaked up. Jack soon joined her side, and the two decided it was finally time to check the place out.

"So uh, you apparently seem to know what you're doing. Can you tell me where we are now?" Signe questioned, crossing her arms as they traveled through the encasement of rock. "No fucking clue. I just wing most of my missions," Jack responded, giving her a smirk. The Princess shook her head in disbelief. "Quite the Pirate you are. I'm surprised you've lasted as Captain this long." But Jack only laughed. "See, being a Pirate just means getting what you want. We don't really care how we go about getting it though."

Signe just sighed, still trudging on with water in her boots. The two had been walking in silence, before a question tugged at the back of her mind. The young girl's heart fluttered as she gazed to the left, examining the Captain's profile. He really was attractive... Maybe when she got home, she could try drawing him?

"So uh... Are you dating anyone?" The Princess blurted, soon regretting it. But the Pirate just laughed. "No. I've sailed the seven seas seven times over, but i have yet to find a perfect mistress. She has to be beautiful... And wealth wouldn't be bad either..." Captain Jack smiled. "Kinda like you." He spoke, his cheeks flushed red. "B-but not you, because you're getting married!" He quickly finished, extremely embarrassed.

Releasing a small giggle, Signe found entertainment in the Pirate's awkwardness. He wasn't so tough. "Well, i don't want to get married."
Jack stopped walking. "What?"
"It's an arranged marriage. Don't get me wrong, Prince Mark is a nice guy, but i want to court someone who i actually love, whether or not they're wealthy." She nodded to Jack, a small smile on her face as she continued walking.

"Oh... Interesting..." Having a perplexed look on his face, Jack followed the princess, taking her words to heart. The two continued on, alone in the cave. They were actually beginning to enjoy each other's company...
Until they hit a dead end. Of course.

"You have got to be kidding me," Signe protested, slapping her hand against the solid rock wall that greeted them. Captain Jack scowled in irritation. "You've gotta be joking. The map i brought says there should be an entry point here... Now, i need to check if i'm-" The pirate continued to talk, rambling on about how stupid the paper was with it's lame riddles.

The young princess took the opportunity to stare at the attractive man, taking in all of his features. His beautiful eyes, his pointy adorable ears... She could feel herself falling for him. But why him?! Of all people? It had to be just his looks. Releasing a heavy sigh, Signe leaned against the rock wall.

Only to feel it move.
The wall shifted, opening a major hole in the side of it, like a secret door in an old mansion. Releasing a small shriek, the clumsy princess tumbled into the next area, unsure of what would lie in the darkness beyond.

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