Chapter Two

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After the birth of Christ was recited by her grandmother, we all headed out to the dining room for dinner. Food was everywhere. I wondered what my mom did for Christmas since the time zone was different. As we all ate together, I thought about my family. During Christmas, my sister, her husband and kids, along with my mother and I would get together for dinner. Looking at the Andrews, I missed so many things a family should do. They told jokes and they were free spirited. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. The only thing we spoke about during Christmas diners were business and my Mom nagging me about getting married.Gen gave me a worried look as I was in deep thoughts.

I smiled back at her to ease her worries. After dinner, everyone went to the party room to share gifts. As we all shared gifts, we turned around to face Gen because she just received and not give. She smiled at us and said, "What? As the youngest of this family it is my duty to receive." I gave her a puzzled look for more explanation. "Ok fine, I didn't have any money." "You never have money when it comes to gifts," Kyle said. That only made us laugh. "Not true. I gave you a guitar for your birthday." "Yea, the next day I had to return it back to its owner." Wow, I'm learning new things every day. I gave Mariam and Steve a honeymoon gift to the Bahamas. Kyle the keys to his new bike. I held of her grandmother's gift until my departure time.

Last but not least, I gave my baby a box. "What's this?" She asked surprise. "Open it." Inside was a diamond necklace. Engraved on it was "Be mine." She looked at the necklace. "Gen, will you formally be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Wait a minute, I thought you guys were dating," her grandmother said. "They were Ma," Mariam said. Her response was a simple kiss.

"Ok ok, my turn," Mariam said excitedly. She handed Steve a small box. He raised his eyebrow at her. She smiled as she waited for him to open it. Inside was a tie. Written on it was, "I can't wait to see you soon Daddy." She placed her hands on her stomach. Everyone was saying awww and congrats, but Steve's face remained expressionless. "You're not happy?" She asked worriedy. "No, no, that's not it. I just...I just wasn't expecting it." He pulled her on her lap and gave her a kiss. "I love it." We all clapped for them. I looked at Gen imagining how she would one day carry my children. She smiled up at me knowing what I was thinking about.

The whole night was incredible with games and many stories told when the sisters were little. Gen used to walk around with her diaper and a wand pretending to be a fairy. I could just picture her dimpled face laughing and running around the house.

We got to my hotel room by midnight where parties were still going on. We lay down with our heads on the head board and watched some movies. Two hours later, I drove her home after failing to convince her to spend the night. I kissed her goodnight and drove back to my hotel.

As the weeks came closer for my departure, Gen and I hung out every day. I told her that we would Skype every day and talk on the phone, but she had no faith in long distance relationships. Although we knew this day would come, neither of us wanted to face it. One thing we had in common was not being able to say goodbye.

One evening she came into my hotel room surprisingly. She jumped into my arms as she wrapped her legs around me. Lust was written all over her. Not being able to control myself, I sat on the bed with her on my lap as we kissed passionately. She pulled apart for a minute only to bring a growl from me. Slowly she started unbuttoning her shirt as she looked at me. I swallowed hard when her pink bra flashed in front of me. Oh boy. We laid down on the bed kissing. She tried to take off my shirt, but I regained control over myself. I grabbed her hands as I said, "Baby stop." She started kissing my ear lobe sending shivers down my spine. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I sat up. She looked at me hurt and in shock.

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