Chapter Two

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I decided to go to Kiba's place. It was midnight but, he might not be asleep yet. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knew where the spare key was. I opened the door and Akamaru started to growl. "It's me, Akamaru" He stopped and wagged his tail. Kiba was in his bed with no shirt. He was covered up but, only half of him was covered. I blushed as you heard him mumble my name. What's he dreaming about? Is he dreaming of me?! I stood there and watched. He turned over and opened his eyes. "Tobi!" His eyes widened. "Hi, Huskie..." "What are you doing here?!" "I... Ino told me it was mating season for you and I came to see if your okay.." "Of course I am! Wait, Ino told you?!" "Yea... Why?" "Nothing... " I sat beside him. "Need help?" I was teasing the little horny Kiba. "Tobi..?" "Little Huskie is horny!" "No.. I'm not!" I pinned him down. I could feel his manhood on my ass. "Was you dreaming about me?" "Maybe..." He was cut off because I kissed him. He was surprised but he kissed back. He worked his hands down to your waist. "If you help me, I won't be able to control myself..." I snirked.

(To be continued)

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