Chapter 2: War Among Us

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yes, I'm not actually Christian, but I still celebrate the holiday, okay. So this is your present!

Hiyori Sarugaki 1st Person POV: 

I was almost disappointed. 

Touching back down on the ground, I snorted. "I won't even need to use my full power for this." 

Her expression darkened. "It's common courtesy to introduce yourself before fighting." 

I smirked. "I should be telling that to you. Meet the person who's gonna beat you down." 

"Wrong. It is I, Bishamonten, who will bring shame to your name." 

I cocked an eyebrow. "Like the Japanese war goddess? Arrogant." 

Bishamon laughed. "Don't you understand? I am the war goddess." 

"Riiight," I drawled.

 "Aren't you going to name yourself?" 

I considered. Having two Hiyori's would be downright annoying, and I definitely didn't trust them enough to tell something personal about me. On the other hand, it would be more irritating to have a fake name. 

"If you are going to call yourself a god, I might as well too. Shinigami." Well, technically by law, I wasn't a Shinigami anymore. But, on the other hand, I still retained all my powers as a Shinigami. 

"Hey," I called out, an idea suddenly popping into my head. "If you actually are a goddess, do you know any other Shinigami?" 

She gave me a strange look. "If you are the Shinigami, why would there be another?" Damn. There went that plan. 

"Where am I?" 


My eyes fluttered closed in a brief moment in frustration. "How in the world did I get to the capital of Japan? 

"A Vent, I believe." 

"What's a Vent?" I asked blankly. 

She looked in disbelief. "How does a deity like yourself have no knowledge of Vents?" 

Shit. I was getting nowhere, was I? "Nevermind. I'll get all my answers soon, after I defeat you." 

During our casual conversation, we had been trading blows. Admittedly, Ms. Indecent wasn't bad, per say. I was just way too strong. If I were to rank her, I would say Ichigo's level before he tamed his Hollow. Not bad, but not super strong either. At least she would be able to hold off Kenpachi if he tried to kill her. 

I eyed her skimpy clothing, slightly disturbed. Since everyone wore full-body Shihakushos in the Soul Society, and Lisa - my only fellow female Vizard in exile - had that school girl outfit, seeing that much skin was... Unnerving. Wasn't she worried someone would stab her? Although, and I know from experience, I suppose a layer of cloth was no armor either. 

Anyway, that was off topic. The real weird thing was that everything she had was radiating a slightly different reiatsu. Were the clothes people? Well, seeing the lion could talk and stuff, it wouldn't be that surprising. Still, I pitied whoever had to hold her watermelons together in that little bikini top. 


Caught off guard, I spun to avoid the projectile heading toward me. I curled my lip in distaste at the sight of the twin pistols taking place of the sword and whip. I hadn't had much experience with firearms, but I still hated them. Firing guns required no skill, just a pull of a trigger, and a life could end. With a sword, on the other hand, took years of mastery to memorize all the fatal and nonfatal blows, and experience knowing when to use them. Guns just seemed to... Contaminate the art of weaponry. Waste time and disgrace hard work. 

I noticed one of her earrings glowing, forming what almost seemed like a holographic scope. I sighed. In times like these, I missed the simplicity of the Soul Society. Technology was just too troublesome. Not that it would help her; I was getting bored. 

For the first time in the battle, I flash-stepped to the other side of her. My lips were unable to push back the smirk lifting their corners as I saw her shock. It was time to end this. 

"Butcher, Kubikiri Orochi." My katana warped, stretching into a large cleaver with saw-like blade.

 I had some of the largest spiritual power among the Vizards, and they were nothing to laugh at. Using this to my advantage, I released all my reiatsu in a short, concentrated blast. In an instant, anyone in my vicinity was knocked unconscious. For a moment, I stared at them phlegmatically before spitting and turning away. They would probably be awaking in a few minutes; not too long, but more than enough time for me to disappear unnoticed.

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