Who is She?

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[Second chapter and i'm excited. I learned that my sister has more Followers than me and so we made this bet and i sooooo wanna win. Help me guys!!!! I need love <3 enjoyXD]

PIC------> Greyson

Chapter 2

Greyson's POV

"Honey you need to go or you'll be late for your plane flight," my wife says.

"I know, I know love. I'm leaving now. Be careful and take of yourself." I kiss her on the cheek and get in the car. My driver pulls away and head for the airport. I'm on my way to New York for my conference about the company i own. Kingston's Psychiatry. We are thinking of opening a new place in New York. It is very important that we get the deal settled and get the building open. I sigh and rest my head against the window. Playing a game on my phone. Its the old Two Dots game, my wife thinks I'm obsessed with it. Maybe she is right.

"Sir, we are here." My driver Dave says as he pulls up on the curb of the drop off zone. I grab my bags and head in. Once i finally get on the plane and settled i check my phone. My wife has already messaged me twice and i haven't even been gone that long. She is telling me how much she misses me and she just found out some great news that she'll tell me about when i get home. I sigh with happiness and turn my phone off as the flight gets ready for take off.

I sleep halfway through the flight. We've already ready made our first two stops and are at the last one before we get to New York. Virginia. I choose to get off the plane and visit a place that i know of. My wife and family-in-law lived here for quite some time. I call my second hand man, Daniel, and tell him to postpone the meeting another three hours. I also told him to send a private jet, seeing as i just got off the plane. I chuckle at myself. And head toward my mother-in-laws house. I might even catch a glimpse of this legendary daughter of hers. Halfway there I call her number and she picks up.

"Greyson, how's my favorite son-in-law?" She says in a cheery voice.

"Great to know i'm your favorite.... considering I'm your only son-in-law." I say with a chuckle.

"Oh you know what i meant darling. What can i do for you honey."

"Well you can start by opening the door."

"The door?" She ask in a confused voice.The door opens and she smiles wide. I smile and hug her.

"How are you mom?" I ask as I look around the place . Looks the same. She sighs.

"I've tried but she just won't listen. This morning I even sent Henry in to talk to her. He said she just rushed out and told him to make lunch plans. Speaking of which its almost time for lunch. Maybe i can get to her before they do. Or before it starts." She said as she grabbed the phone and made a call. I told her i'm going to the library and to keep me updated on what goes on. I head to the car and tell the driver the address to the library and we take off. Ten minuets later the big ancient looking building and head inside. I head to the second floor and look around. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I hear an 'umph' and instinctively reached out to steady the person. MINE. It was all i could think of as i stared into her eyes. I heard her gasp and i knew she saw. I just couldn't control it. Who is she? She grabbed her phone and ran out of the building. I need to know her. Her name, her age, her. What does she like, who does she hang around. Just in the middle of my thoughts i get a message.

They came here looking for her and we are going under.

Ok Bad sign. I called my right hand man and told him to handle the meeting since he knows everything about the company. He said he got it covered. I then called my brother and told him what i was told. He said to meet him at the spot. I left and told my driver the address. On the way there I explained to him what was going on. He agreed to help. I left out the part where i found my mate. Considering i have a wife. Yes, I'm a WEREWOLF. But only a few people know like my mother-in-law. I told my wife once upon a dream and she went mad. So her mother erased her memory and made me promise never to tell her. I know bad move but what could i do i love her. Or at least i did till about twenty minutes ago. Before i met that girl. Who was she and why my wolf react to her like that? So many questions running through my head when Dave tell me we are here. I must now focus on the mission. Which is keeping the secret about us and making sure that the princess is safe. We go inside and head to the back, which leads to the cave entrance. I start to go inside but pause and turn around.

"Dave, is the princess underground?" I ask in my Alpha voice. He takes a deep breath and concentrates.

"I can't tell right now. Boss, are you ok? your eyes are glowing."

"Yes Dave, just on alert." I say hoping he doesn't catch on.

"You know being your best friend for ten years and also your Beta, I know when you're lying." He says with a smirk grin as he watches me.

"I don't know what you're talking about D." In my head i am saying 'don't say it'

"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shrikes. "You found her huh?"

"SHUT UP!" I say as i blush a little. "You can't tell anyone."

"Of course i won't dude. But what are you gonna do about your wife? And who is she?"

"I don't know. She ran into me as she was leaving."

"well yo--" He was cut off by a scream inside the cave. We ran inside and raced through the tunnel. The closer we got, the more my wolf screamed at me to save its mate. We get to the center and see my mother-in-law and girl on the ground screaming, surrounded by purple light. MINE. He growled and I ran to the girl and noticed its the same one from the library.

"What's going on? Who is she?" I demanded.

"That's my other daughter. Your sister-in-law." She paused for a moment. Then she said,

"That's the princess. And she's changing into a witch".

The Princess of Delfetaria Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant