Part 5

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Step 5: Glue the binding onto the folios

You are now going to make the heart of the book. You have made at least four of the eight sheet / 32 page folios and they need to be stuck together.
Firstly , cut a piece of thin fabric to the same length as the page height and about five times the thickness of all the folios held together.
Hold the folios tightly together and all lined up. Either get a friend to help or clip the folios together using giant paper clips or bull dog clips (or even a rubber band I guess).
When they are all nicely aligned apply glue to just the spines of the folios. You can use white glue for this (this was what white glue was originally made for BTW) but you must be careful not to let it drip down in to the gaps between the folios (maybe painting the fabric would be better.) Alternatively you can use hot melt for this part. Again, hot melt is used in industry for book binding, so it is perfect for the job.
Before it has a chance to set, quickly turn over the wad of folios and glue them to the piece of fabric so that some fabric sticks out each side (i.e. so that not all of the fabric is glued to the pages)

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