Chapter 3 - Apology Accepted or Declined?

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Pearl and Peridot P.O.V

So, I went up to Peridot and went to apologize.

P: "Peridot, I'm sorry for calling you a Tiny Twerp and told you to get out my face. "

Peri: "(turns back)."

P: "When I first looked at you Peridot, you looked very pretty to me. But when you saw romantic comments to me, I kinda liked it. The making out part, was so nice. I want to be your girlfriend.I love you, Peridot.

Peri: "Thank you. I love you too, Pearl. Apology............ accepted."

I used my thumb to wipe the tear on Peridot's cheek. Then, we both went downstairs.

The Crystal Gems and Peridot's P.O.V

G and A: "Apologized?"

P: "Yeah. I did."

A: "Good job, P."

G: "I'm proud of you, my middle gem."

A: "I'm going to chill in my room. Take some drugs. JUST KIDDING!"

I will also apologize for this chapter being so short. I hope you enjoy the story so far.

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