Chapter 7 - Hanging Out

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Pearl and Peridot P.O.V

So I was ready to ask Peridot out. I hope it will turn out has it will turn out. That didn't make sense,  right? Well, you know what I mean, don't ya? Let's just get this thing over with. Let's go!

P: "Peridot....."

Peri: "Yes?"

P: "I've been willing to ask, would you want to go out?"

Peri: "Really?"

P: "Yes."

Peri: "Okay. At what time?"

Pearl: "Let's see........... hmmmmmm.......... ummmmmm........... 7:47 pm."

Peri: "Okay."

WOO HOO! I have made the asking section. Now, it's the marrying section I have to get through. It's not time to do that yet. This goes for Peridot too. I told Peridot not to tell Amethyst nor Garnet. I hope she doesn't though. So far, we might become a great couple one day. Steven nor Greg should know.

7:30 pm. Pearl and Peridot are getting ready now.

Pearl P.O.V

It is time for hanging out with Peridot. Gee, it's the second time hanging out with someone. First time was with Amethyst. I put my jacket on and Peridot puts her leather jacket. We both went outside and talked and walked at the same time while walked to the restaurant. Peridot was telling me the last time she saw Jasper. She also told me she had no contact with Yellow Diamond nor Lapis Lazuli. She thinks that Jasper went to the lake and fused with Lapis. Please don't fuse Lapis, Jasper. If she did, I will beat her up when she is unfused.

Alright people. We made to the restaurant. We went in and the waiter brought us to our table. Well, I guess it's time to answer Peridot's questions. I'll get back to narrating after Peridot's questions.

Peri: "Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

P: "I like watching Steven sleep, I like pie, sword fighting, make our rooms clean and tidy, listening to music."

Peri: "What kind?"

P: "Of what?"

Peri: "Music."

P: "Raps."

Peri: "What kind of raps?"

P: "Rap Battles. They have to be epic though."

Peri: "I see. You like epic rap battles?"

P: (nods yes)

Peri: "I have a rap battle for you to listen to. I hope you like it."

P: (Listens to Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers) "Hey, I know this song!"

Peri: "You do? I love it."

P: "Same."

So I guess the questions are over now. I can finally go back to narrating now. So, we kept talking, talking. After, we paid for the food. We went out of the restaurant and there was surprise question.

Peri: "Pearl....."

P: "Yes, Peridot?"

Peri: "I have a question. (bends down on one knee), will you marry me?"

Okay, this is so surprising. I said I wasn't ready for this, but she asked me. Should I say yes or no? I don't want to break her feelings, so yes.

P: "Peridot, I will marry you."

Peri: (smirks and puts the ring on Pearl's ring finger.)

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