Secret Santa

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Hey everyone! To celebrate the spirit of Christmas, I will start off this collection of NaLu one-shots with a Christmas themed one-shot. I've been thinking about one for a while now because part of this one-shot is based on a personal experience that I actually had just a few weeks ago while I was shopping for my secret Santa present.

I hope everyone enjoys reading this very first NaLu one-shot. Merry Christmas!


I dedicate this one-shot to my friend, spiltGalaxy, since she gave me the idea of making this one-shot. Thanks ^_^


'What am I going to do!' Lucy mentally panicked as she held her head in distress. Pacing back and forth only made it worse.

Erza, Levy, and Wendy just returned from their last minute Christmas shopping when they saw their distressed friend. All of them walked up to the blonde and called out her name, but she was too busy panicking to herself.

Levy dropped all of her bags, grabbed Lucy's shoulders, and gently shook her. "Lu-chan!"

Lucy snapped out of her own thoughts and faced the blue-haired girl in front of her. "Oh. Levy-chan, you're back." Lucy moved her head and saw Erza and Wendy right behind her. "Erza and Wendy are back too."

"Are you alright Lu-chan?" Levy asked worriedly.

Lucy gave out a big sigh as she tilted her head down. "Not really..."

Erza and Wendy looked at each other, both of them having the same worried expression on their faces. Levy released her grip on Lucy's shoulders and grabbed both of her hands.

"So what's the matter Lu-chan?" Erza and Wendy approached the two of them just as Levy asked her questions.

"My secret Santa present!" Lucy exclaimed. "I still don't have anything for him! And Christmas Eve is tomorrow!"

"Why did you wait until the last minute to get your present?" asked Wendy.

"I don't know...I already have presents for everyone all wrapped up..." Lucy started to get frustrated. She even balled up her fists. "But this one present!"

"Calm down Lucy," said Erza as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll just go back in town and find something for your secret Santa."

"You'd really do that?"

"Of course we would!" Levy exclaimed without hesitation. Wendy nodded her head in agreement.

Lucy smiled and thanked the girls for helping her out. With that boost of confidence, the celestial spirit mage was ready to get his present.

"Let's go!" Lucy happily shouted.

The girls smiled at her enthusiasm and nodded. All of them grabbed their belongings and headed straight for town.


'He should probably get him a comfy jacket for the winter.' Lucy thought to herself as she walked into town with Erza and the others.

As soon as the celestial spirit mage got out of her thoughts, her eyes widened like two big ornaments. Four words. Last. Minute. Christmas. Shopping. The worst thing anyone can get caught up in.

"There's too many people," Lucy complained.

"It looks like there's twice as many people now compared to this morning," Wendy pointed out. "And this morning was a nightmare." The little dragon slayer shivered in fear when she recalled the morning events, especially with Erza.

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