No, I'm sick!

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Hey guys! So, I was sick like last month, but me and my weird imaginations got me this fanfic idea. Actually, I thought about it when I came to school feeling dead. I was shivering in every class, even though it was hot that day. I was wearing a long sleeve and a thick jacket on top too. It was horrible, but fanfic idea!

So, there you have it. And I hope that those of you who are sick during this season get better soon. If you were sick, then I'm glad that you guys are alright. Anyways, enjoy!



It was a particularly warm weather for the spring time. It's almost as if summer has already come. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day. The sun was finally shining bright in the sky and there was a slight breeze to even out the warm atmosphere. Everything was perfect.

"Achoo!" Except for the celestial spirit mage who happened to catch a cold on this beautiful day.

Lucy just left her apartment and was now heading towards the guild. She could barely walk though, let alone stand on her own two feet. Her face was all flushed and her nose was on the verge of drooping snot.

"Good morning Lucy-chan!" The boat man that was sailing on the river warmly greeted her.

"Good morning..." Lucy's voice was horrible. It sounds dead like her body right now.

The concerned boat man asked if she was alright. In response, Lucy just slowly nodded her head and then continued walking towards the guild, using the building as he support.

The boat man just watched her as she left. He wasn't satisfied with her answer because it was obvious that she was sick. He could only sigh with grief and hope that she feels better soon.


As Lucy continued her slow pace to the guild, she cursed herself for even going outside today. 'Why did I even decide to go out today?'

She tried to figure out what exactly got her into the situation she's in now. When Lucy finally realized the reason, she started to laugh a little bit, but she could also feel anger rising in her again.


Night already fell on Magnolia and Lucy decided to leave slightly earlier than everyone else because she felt lightheaded. Now she was home and ready to get some rest. Before she could though, Natsu and Happy suddenly came bursting through the window of Lucy's apartment.

"Will you two stop barging into my room whenever you want?! And I would appreciate it if you use the door!" The irritated Lucy yelled at her teammates.

"But we didn't get to see you off when you left the guild," Happy told her.

"Well, you've seen me now. So good night!"

Lucy pushed Natsu and Happy through her window and quickly locked it shut. Then she lied down on her bed and closed her eyes. She couldn't really fall asleep right away since Natsu and Happy were banging on her window. Trying to relax, the blonde closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was finally silence after that, much to Lucy's favor. Now she can sleep in peace.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Lucy's eyes instantly opened and she immediately got up from her bed when she heard those words. The moment she did though, She had to put her arms up in self defense to shield herself from the attack. When Lucy felt the attack stop, she slowly put her arms down and opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw that her window and basically the whole wall that surrounded the window was pummeled into ashes.

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