0.3 • Semi-Automatic

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Joe was nasty, and everyone who worked with him knew it. Marcus knew it, Hannah knew it, Darbyshire knew it. He would always get a so much anger for such a tiny body thrown at him sometimes and he would always ignore it, knowing it was true. When he first started working for Darbyshire, he wasn't angry or careless at all. He was the cute little newbie who was smaller than everyone; his smile gorgeous and always sweet to everyone. Fast forward later and his smile is still gorgeous but he seems to be less obedient and more reckless towards everybody else around him.

Joe Sugg definitely was a beautiful man; and Darbyshire couldn't find it in him to put him in his place, considering he was the only model he had that caught everyone's eye. His stomach was smooth and soft looking, and he had this stupid little smirk that seemed to magical; his charm making everyone fall to his knees. No matter how much of an asshole Joe was, everybody still wanted to please him. He was like the Regina George of the modeling world.

Right now Joe was sitting on one of the chairs set up in Will's office; one leg crossed over the other and looking down at his nails, glaring at the small hangnail that had formed on his index finger. They did this whenever Will was finished with his new line; whether it be for Winter, Summer, or just casual wear. Right now, it was casual wear. Will normally either sat him with a girl or a boy, since he focuses around two models in the show for his best work and random other models for his not so good work. Right now, though, Joe was sitting all alone with no one next to him.

"What am I doing here?" Joe asked, crossing his arms and looking over at his designer/manager. Will practically handled everything Joe did since they knew each other for so long and the brunet couldn't handle anybody he didn't know. "I have an interview with Reddie at four."

Will just glanced up from his computer and locked eyes with Joe for a moment, staring before looking down at his computer without a word. If he knew anyway to get underneath his clients skin, it was to not tell him what he was doing since Joe Sugg was a nosey person.

"You can't just bring me here in the middle of the day and not tell me why," Joe snapped, puffing out his cheeks with annoyance. "Fucking dick."

Will chuckled to himself and clicked on his file a little more harder than expected before standing up and walking over to Joe. "I made a whole entire new line just for you, and that's how you repay me?"

The smaller male shut his mouth and his eyebrows shot upwards in surprise. "What? Just for me, like me?"

"Well kind of," Will said, taking his laptop and handing it over to Joe. "You know how you always said you wanted a LGBTQ+ community fashion show? Representing all sexuality and genders?"

Joe looked down at the outfit on the screen. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I phoned a couple of people and we are now in the progress of making our own and you're the main model."

Joe's jaw dropped as he looked at drawings of some outfits; most of them men and women and some with the colors of their sexuality or gender. Joe brought his hand up to his mouth, looking up at the designer.

"Seriously?" He asked, a smile breaking out on his face. "Like, for real? Like all for me and everything? I'm gonna be the main model? Like, I'm wearing all the highlight clothing?"

Will nodded his head and Joe stood up and put the laptop on the chair before reaching up and swinging his arms around the designer.

"Thank you so much!" Joe gushed, arms wrapped tightly around the taller male. "This is so amazing! I can't wait to start working on it!"

Will patted him on his back and listened as the door opened, one of his assistants walking in. He pulled from Joe and looked over at Louise, who went red.

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