0.8 • Changes

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Joe didn't know how to respond to the woman or the man standing in front of him. All he could do was glance over at his coworkers, who were all looking away. He looked back to see the man - probably Caspar - looking him up and down with a small smirk. Usually he always acted so confident and more snotty around new people in his work place, but he found himself clearing his throat awkwardly and crossing his arms against his chest. He chose to just wear black skinny jeans and a thin red v-neck that dipped down low with a small jacket thrown over it.

"Um," he said, not able to come up with any sort of snippy comment. "Waiting for me?"

"I was excited to meet you, Joe." Caspar walked over slowly to Joe, and for an odd reason, the smaller boy found himself stepping back slightly only to stop as the taller male strode over to him and held a hand out. "Will's always spoken of you highly and I just..." He trailed off, checking the boys body out one more time before letting his eyes go back up to meets Joe's. A small smirk found his face and Joe felt his face flush, feeling as if he was naked. "Needed to see you for myself."

Caspar was saying something that seemed innocent, but the way he was looking at the smaller man made him feel as if it was more sexual advances than casual conversation. Joe's eyes glanced at his coworkers once more, seeing Troye and Connor speaking silently to each other and not looking, and all the others pretending that they didn't notice what was happened. (Save for Gaby; who was leering over at the woman still standing near the desk.)

Joe looked back into Caspar's eyes. They were so close the brunet could feel the blond's breathing travel down his neck. He cleared his throat and stepped back subtly, at least what he thought was subtle. He hoped that the taller male didn't notice how easily flustered he could make the model. Nobody could have the upper hand over Joe; especially not some new boss.

"I see," he finally replied. Caspar raised his right eyebrow ever so slightly. "Well, I'm here now. Look all you want."

The South African smirked slightly and Joe couldn't help but notice how...dominant he looked. He looked like someone Joe would never want to cross, someone he wished would like him. Will was so different from Caspar; always keeping a respectful distance and never yelling or barking orders at his models. Joe has only known the new boss for a couple of minutes, but he has already fired somebody, so he knew that he wasn't messing around. He wasn't going to put up with Joe's shit, wasn't going to put up with anyone's shit. He seemed dangerous and...cool. Although it's something the brunet always lingered away from, he found himself drawn in by that small smirk that lay upon Caspar's face.

"You are very beautiful," it came out almost as a purr and Joe faught himself from either blushing a bright red or biting back with a snippy and short I know I am. "Your eyes are very nice, and you're smaller than I expected."

"I get that a lot," Joe tried to grumble it in annoyance, but it came out more like a small whisper. He hated that this man was making him flustered and bothered. He would rather have some shy nerd that Will used to hang out with so he could just stomp all over them.

Caspar stepped back then and walked over to his desk, eyes going over to the models. Joe let out a deep sigh he didn't know that he was holding in, almost reaching up and gripping his chest.

It's not like I was about to fight someone, Joe thought to himself. I just met my...really attractive new boss.

The woman looked over at him and gave a small smile. A knowing smile. Joe would've snapped at her if she wasn't so beautiful.


When Joe had settled down next to Marcus, who slung his arm around the small boy (much to Caspar's disliking), Emma decided to finally introduce them, although most of them should know their names. Caspar leaned against the desk again, observing Joe as she started to speak. He wanted to know everything about the small boy; his gait, the way he sat, how he spoke, and how he treated people. He stared openly, and grinned when Joe caught his eyes. The boy just gave a blank stare, the edges of his cheeks turning red before he looked away and bit his lip.

Beauty/Psycho | A Jaspar FanficWhere stories live. Discover now