All because of that wild night

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Last night:
"Damon...please...I have to-"

"Lena please it will be worth it." He said cutting her off

"...fine... only for tonight."

"Yessss" he started kissing her fiercely
and she kissed back

Elena looked over and saw Damon still asleep with his arms over her. She kissed him and he woke up and they started kissing more fiercely. That was until Elena ran into the bathroom and rushed to the toilet. As she leaned down she felt someone grab her hair and they held it back.

"Are you ok 'lena?"

"Yeah i'm fine. Im just gonna get a shower."

"With me???"

She playfully slapped him in the chest "No."

"Aww ok, I'll go make breakfast."

"Ok I love you!"

" I love you too!"

As Elena was about to get in the shower she feel to the ground screaming. Damon ran in and saw her and then took her to the ER. The doctor asked Elena " If she wanted Damon in there."

"Tell me first, then i'll tell him."

"CONGRATULATIONS, your pregnant."


"Yep so we're gonna need you to come back in about 6 weeks to get a check up. And by the way your 3 months pregnant we are gonna wait till your 5 months to tell the gender. If you want us to tell you."


On the way home it was silent. I haven't told Damon just yet. I need the right time.

"So what did the doctor say was wrong?" Damon asked interrupting my thoughts.

"That it was nothing just some...i forget the word but I will be fine. He wants me back in about...10 weeks to get a check up." I know I know I lied but im gonna wait for the right time. And now is not that right time.


"Damon, can I talk to you?"

"Of course 'lena, whats up?"

"So don't be mad but earlier when I said it was nothing, It was something else...but Damon I wanted the right time and I don't know when the right time was but it wasn't at that time but I love you and please dont be mad because when I tell you you might understand and im sorry if you are
mad... but I love you and really think you wont stay and I really do love you and dont wanna lose you... and i understand if you are mad and leave."

"Elena, I wont leave you but just tell me and I wont get mad, I promise because 'Lena I love you no matter what."

"I...i'm...(Elena sighs) I'm pregnant and your the...father."

❤Baby Delena❤ ( TVD Fanfiction )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora