Chapter 14 part 2

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Chapter 14

Part 1 – Cheryl

I was so pleased Nadine was more or less feeling the same. I really didn’t want to have the girls over, I just wanted to spend more time with Nadine, without anybody else. Never the less, she did say we’d do something tomorrow so I called them all up.

Sarah and Nicola were easy. Sarah never had an evident problem with Nadine and Nicola had agreed to meet her very recently so I knew they’d be willing to come. Kimberley was slightly more tricky.

“I don’t think she’ll want to see me,” she said, after I asked her over the phone.

“Well she hasn’t said that. Her words were invite the girls over, she meant you as well,” I explained. I hoped Kim would get over this soon, especially since me and Nadine were, let’s say, getting on much better than expected.

“Kim, if you don’t come and the other’s do, what’s that gonna look like? It’s going to look like you’re the new Nadine of the band, and you wouldn’t want that would you?” I said, rather intelligent I thought.

“Fine, I see your point, I’ll give her a chance,” Kimberley finally agreed, as I smiled in relief. I just hoped it would be a calm evening.

“Well?” Nadine, said leaning in the doorway.

“They’re all coming later,” I told her.

“Really? Even Kimberley?” She asked, looking a little surprised.

“Even Kimberley. You do want to see her don’t you?” I asked, a bit worried, maybe she’d had enough of Kim insulting her.

“Definitely, more than anything. I’m not scared of her, Cheryl, I know I can prove her wrong,” she told me confidently.

“Babe, please don’t see it like that. You don’t need to be proving anybody wrong,” I warned her.

“Cheryl, I’ve done enough sucking up, to you, to her, to anyone I need to get back on track with. I want to be friends with her, but I will not pretend I’m sorry for something that I’m not,” she explained, putting the fear of God into me.

“Nadine, please, I’m not saying you have to pretend anything, but at least turn on the charm a little. I know now how caring you can be, try and show it a little more with them,” I begged.

“It’s different with you though...” she said, with a hint of cheekiness.

“Well obviously not that friendly and caring. But I’ll be honest, before I heard you on the radio, you were not my favourite person and I’m sure I wasn’t yours. But look how we’ve both turned that around.” I explained.

“Okay, I see your point, perhaps I’ll be nice. But I’m doing it for you, not for her,” Nadine smiled at what I assumed was a compromise.

“I can live with that,” I smiled, as she kissed me on the cheek lightly and returned to whatever she was doing before.

The rest of the day passed and I just let her get on with what she wanted, I think that was just watching TV with cigarette breaks in between. But she was recovering from exhaustion, with a pretty bad hangover, so I didn’t mind. I just spruced up the house in preparation for our gathering tonight. I don’t know why I was bothering to be honest, Sarah was coming and she was bring alcohol. Things were going to get broken. Plus I had the impending potential of a physical fight between Nadine and Kimberley.

Shortly before they were due to arrive, we both went to get ready. I went for something subtle, just some black skinny jeans and a checked shirt type of thing. But Nadine suddenly appeared in the kitchen wearing the shortest dress I’d seen since we last did a tour.

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