The Dream

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He was about to go through the gate with his men, out of Austria and into the world, when he saw her. She was running up to him, smiling. "Good morning, Holy Rome, how are you?"
It suddenly hit him what he was about to do. "Wait! Hold on!" he cried, "You run when I chase you, and yet you chase after me when I run! Why do you do that? It doesn't make sense!" stopped in her tracks and looked to her feet. "Um, I don't know..." He too looked at the ground and said, "Please, Italy, listen to me. There is something important that I've been meaning to day to you." He sent his men through the gate. "I'm sorry about everything. I'll be leaving, though, so you don't have to be afraid anymore!"

She said, "Wait, what are you saying?" He could see her tears glistening in her eyes. He looked up and stuttered, "I-I have to go away now." Behind him, a captain asked "Holy Rome, are you a-ready?" He paused and answered, "Si." Determination and anger filled his tiny heart and he said to Italy, "Well, see you around. Take good care of yourself." He turned around walked toward the gate. "Are you really leaving? I don't want you to go, Holy Rome!" He continued walking as Italy desperately shouted "Oh, no! Don't go! Please! What will I do without you? Don't leave me! No!"
He turned around and met eyes with her. She was holding her broom out to him. "Here.  Take this with you. Maybe it will help you think of me." She squeezed her eyes even further
shut. "And then... then you won't forget about me..." He said, "Oh, a push-broom. But why would that remind me of you?" Suddenly, he remembered that she always had this broom with her, always cleaning Austria's floors. "Italy... Si, grazie. I would be honored to have your push-broom." He took the broom and smiled sorrowfully. He could hear his men pondering the importance of the broom.

He realized that he didn't have anything to give her in return. "I... I feel like I should give you something, too. What do... what do people do at your home if they like someone?" She smiled and said "Um, kiss, I think."

"Kiss... I see." He blushed and said "I've liked you for a very long time... it's been at least since the 10th century..." He leaned in and kissed her as a tear rolled down her cheek. As they pulled away, she said, "Really?" He took her hands and answered "Yes, really. I would never lie to you." "Yay, that's happy!" She smiled.

He smiled and said "Well, I'm off. Be careful. When this war ends, I promise I'll come and see you again," as he turned around and began to walk towards the gate, broom in hand. She smiled and cried, "Okay, then.  I'll miss you!  I'll be waiting!  I'll make you lots of treats for when you get back!  Don't get sick!  Try not to get injured or die violently, either.  I know we'll see each other, again.  I know we will!  I know it!!" She waved. He waved as well and said, "No matter how much time may pass, you'll always be my most favorite in the whole world!"He could feel his eyes watering as he turned and walked out the gate.


Ludwig sat bolt upright in his bed, panting heavily. The cold sweat on his bare chest shimmered in the light of the full moon. What a strange dream. He tried to wrap his head around it, but as he thought about it, it faded more and became more nonsensical. He realized that Feliciano was in bed next to him, crying. He was stroking the Italian's hair when his eyes opened.

He stared for a second, and then squeezed the German as he screamed "Holy Rome! Why did you leave me?!? I thought you cared about me!!" He cried and kissed him repeatedly. Ludwig allowed him, assuming that the dream that he'd had must have been pretty terrible. Holy Rome was Feliciano's childhood love, but he'd died centuries ago. He'd been told countless times by Francis that he looked just like long-deceased empire, so he understood his reaction. "I'm sorry, Feli, but it's Ludwig, not the HRE."

Feliciano immediately stopped and sat up. "I-I'm sorry, I just... I had a dream... and Holy Rome... he..." "It's okay, Feli, I'm here." Ludwig hugged the sniffling pasta lover, who literally accepted it with open arms. "It's okay. Now get some rest. We have training in the morning." Feli nodded, "Okay. I'm okay."

Ludwig wiped the tears out of Feliciano's eyes, and the two of them rolled over and went back to sleep.

The Dream (GerIta)Where stories live. Discover now