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Ludwig opened his eyes. The sun had just risen and the birds were already singing. He rolled over and saw that it was 5:30- not a minute later. He had trained his body to wake up at this time every day, and this morning was no exception.
He stood up , combed his hair back with his fingers, and made his way over to his closet. As always, he pulled out his green uniform but as he carefully removed it from the hangar, something caught his eye. It wasn't anything spectacular; in fact, he was surprised he noticed it at all.
He lifted it from its propped position against the back panel of the closet, unsettling a great deal of dust. The handle wasn't much longer than his forearm, meaning that it was probably made for a child. There was something about holding it that was very reassuring.
Suddenly, Feliciano burst in, proudly yelling, "Germany, look! I woke up extra early so that I could help you-" He stopped, seeing not only that he was already awake, but also what he was holding. His deep honey eyes widened as he whispered, "Wh-where did you get that?"
The momentarily perplexed blonde looked up from the little pushbroom he was holding. A scene flashed across his mind- a shorter, chubbier version of the man who stood before him now, his-or was it her?- lips pressed against his own. As it finally dawned on him, a new light sparkled in his icy blue eyes. "It was such a long time ago... I'm sorry I couldn't come back sooner."
At first, he just stood there, slightly confused. Then, he gasped, pausing in shock, letting the joyful tears run down his red cheeks. "H-Holy Rome..." He ran to Ludwig, hugging him as if he was afraid he was going to lose him again, and honestly he was. Before Ludwig could say anything else, he was abruptly kissed by a certain Italian. Every single memory of every single second he had spent as a rather unsuccessful empire flooded back, as if they were passing through Feliciano's lips into his mind. Grateful for his help in the recent revelation, he kissed back, feeling a lone tear spill out of his eye.
He was back.
So I was sitting on the bus home, listening to Duran Duran like a real loner when suddenly it dawned on me.
He needs to tell Feli he's back!
In an inspirational fury, I wrote this.
Sorry it's so short and it took so long to come out, I just hit a huge writers block that apparently only watching the suburbs go by could cure.
Hasta la pasta, wafflies!

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