Chapter 6

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As he’s walking back towards the ICU, Zayn sees a bed being wheeled out of the lift and his heart thumps ominously, as if it knows before he does that it’s Harry. He can’t see him, just the huddle of people around the bed in blue scrubs steering it around the corner, but they part for long enough to let Zayn see a flash of brown hair then he’s running. He knows Harry can’t hear him, but he still calls out his name and as soon as he does, the door to the waiting room swings open and Louis runs out. He stops in the middle of the corridor when he sees the bed approaching and when his eyes widen and his lips part, Zayn’s legs almost give way at the thought of what Harry looks like.

‘Lou, is he okay?’ he asks, as he catches up with the bed, but Louis doesn’t move, his gaze following it as the bed passes him and stops at the double doors into the ITU.

‘Please,’ Zayn says to the woman with red hair who’s at the head of the bed. She turns and holds her arm out to stop him getting any closer and Zayn isn’t sure if he should be grateful as he glances back at Louis, who looks so pale, Zayn’s sure that he’s going to have to run over and catch him in a second. ‘Please. Is he okay?’

She doesn’t answer, just eyes Louis as he comes to stand next to him.

‘When can we see him?’ Louis asks, and he sounds tiny, like a little boy.

She shakes her head as the doors open. ‘Not until his family gets here.’

‘We are his family,’ Louis says with a frown.

Zayn reaches for the sleeve of his shirt when he steps forward. ‘It’s okay, Lou.’

‘No it’s not okay. No one will tell us anything.’

‘Sorry.’ The woman shakes her head as they begin pushing the bed into the ITU.

Louis follows, ignoring her when she tells him to keep back. ‘They haven’t spent a day apart in over a year.’ He points back at Zayn. ‘He distracts him when he has to have an injection and brings him a cup of tea every morning. If that isn’t family, what is?’

She apologises again and when the bed disappears through the double doors, Zayn has to grab Louis’ sleeve to stop him following.

‘Allow it, Lou. She’s just doing her job.’

He frowns at him. ‘But it’s not fair.’

‘I know.’

‘Why won’t they tell us anything?’

‘I don’t know.’

Louis turns to stare at the doors, hands on his hips, and Zayn tugs on his shirt.

‘Come on. Do you want a cup of tea or something?’

‘No I don’t want any more fucking tea,’ he spits, then covers his face with his hands. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says through his fingers. ‘I’m sorry.’


‘No it’s not alright.’ Louis shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips again. ‘I’m being such a shit to you today and you don’t fucking need it.’

Zayn waits for him to look up then half-smiles. ‘That’s two apologies in one day, Lou. That must be some sort of record.’

‘I know. Don’t tell, Eleanor.’

Zayn chuckles, but the corners of Louis’ mouth fall.

‘He called me last night.’

Zayn’s breath catches in his throat. ‘Who?’



‘When he was leaving Mahiki.’

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