Chapter Two

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Lucas POV

we got to the airport and went into a little coffee shop and waited for he other three and their families, i got to thinking about Maya, i know its weird and wrong, but, i dont care, i think i like Maya, and Riley, i think she is more of a sister, im so confused, and think it will be better to just not be in a relationship with anyone. life will just be easier, if I stay single, for a long time, I am not ready for the world, and for godssake, I am scared sick about the next twoyears. Seriously not looking forward to it, but I am, I don't know. Oh God, here comes Maya... she looks really good, her hair is up in a ponytail and she is wearing whitie converses with jogging bottoms and a crop top with a hoodie and a pair of headphones around her neck, and jeez, she looks hot. I cant stop thinking about her, how does she always manage to look good, Riley, I think Riley is more of a sister to me, we bring out the best in each other when we are friends, best friends.Nothing can change that.

Farkle POV

As we drive to the airport, I look out of the window and begin to ponder things, about my friends, I always end up doing this, I don't know why, I know ive always said I have been in love wit Maya and Riley since 1st grade, but in reality I have always liked Riley more, which works out well, as I know a few secrets that Lucas wont share, but maybe soon, but lets just say our group may turn out amazing. Heres how it goes down, Maya likes Lucas, not many people know, Lucas likes Maya, but im the only one who knows, as I managed to figure it out, I like Rile, a lot, but she doesn't like me, which really hurts. But that's just the way it goes, and nothing and no one can change it. It's the way of life, a Farkle always gets ditched for his better looking best friend, or Charlie Gardener. Not a fan of that one though, at least if it was Lucas I would be ok with it, I would, not really but iwould act like it.

I get to the airport and say goodbye to my parents, and go to the coffee shop that we all agreed to meet at, as I walk in, I catch site of my best friend and Maya my other best friend, staring into each others eyes, so I walk up to the counter and wait in the queue, as I do so, my phone starts ringing, I look at the screen and see Rileys face pop up, I quickly click accept and answer the phone.

Farkle: well hey there kiddo

Riley: don't call me that, and heyyyyy

Farkle: so, Riles, where are you

Riley: that's better, im just on my way

Farkle: what do you want to drink, and grab us a table just outside

Riley: can I please have a Pepsi Max, and ok, whyyy

Farkle: on it, ill explain later, just grab us a table.

Riley: k, got a table

I hang up quickly and start talking to the person at the cash desk, I get two Pepsi Max and a bar of Riley's favourite type on chocolate. Then head off to the table, as I walk past, I see maya and Lucas looking at each other and talking so neither of them saw me. As I walk to the table I see Riley on her phone with her beats over her ears, she looks really nice in casual clothes, she is wearing black converses, tights, a pair of denim shorts, a hot pink flowery crop top with a hoodie and a black beanie, with her hair flowing down over her shoulders, she looks amazing, but I have to keep it cool, because she can never know that I like her, and especially never know about the fact I think im in love with her, I know we are only 15, which is quite young to start talking about love, but I think I am in love with Riley Mathews. No Farkle, keep your shit together, you do not love Riley, and everyone just needs to stay friends for these next two years, none of us can fall in love, we all have to be "the four amigos". NO ONE FALLS IN LOVE. Nobody absolutely no one. I went over and put the stuff on the table, then ran around the side of the table, and put my hands over Rileys gorgeous face. She jumped, and stood up and turned around as she did so, my hands slid down to her waist, we just stood, looking at each other, we have a weird, friendship?

Maya POV

We waited for about 20 minutes, then walked out of the coffee shop to see Riley and Farkle basically hugging and looking at each other, the only persons face I could see was Farkle, and he had a weird smile, which I only ever saw on him when he looked at Riley, it was a weird smile, that he never used, Lucas walked up beside the two of them and snapped in their faces. Instantly they both looked at him, Farkle's Riley smile quickly disappeared, as he looked at Lucas, with his hand on Rileys waist, which I don't think either of them had registered was there, the three of them walked over to me, Farkle's hand still around Rileys waist, I think he noticed because I was looking, and his hand quickly moved from its previous position to sorting out his beanie. Riley looked so put together compared to me, she looked really nice, and I was stood here looking like a slob, I need to talk to Farkle, I need to tell him how I think Riley feels about him.

We board the plane, one by one, we got the middle row which had four seats, the order went Farkle, Riley, Me, Lucas. It was a good flight, I fell asleep 20 minutes in, Lucas fell asleep just before me, and the other two, I don't really know.

Farkle POV

Once we were on the plane, me and riley were sat next to each other, on this flight, which lasts around two and a half hours, Maya and Lucas fell asleep quite quickly, and my and Riley talked for two hours straight, about life, I know its weird, but ever since Moroshia and Donnie Barnes, neither ofus have been the same, but we seem to get each other, even more now, and never seem to lose things to talk about, Riley ended up drifting asleep on my shoulder, I asked a flight attendant to get her a blanket, and she did, so I put the blanket over the both of us, and waited for the end of the flight, slowly I ended up drifting to sleep.

Lucas POV

I woke up with Maya leaning on my arm, asleep, I look over and see a very cute picture, so I take a picture on my phone, even if it is the girl I used to like, I know that Farkle will be good to her, and we are brother and sister, so if he hurts her, I will end him. The captain started to talk over the speaker, so I woke up Maya, who may I say looked gorgeous asleep. She then woke up Riley who woke up Farkle, so far it has been a great day.

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