Armour helps, right?

10 0 0

Location: Erandius II
Time: 5:30 am
Start transmission

On the blazing training ground on the blistering planet, several new recruits for project Tartarus were begininng there laps on the track, but one on particular was catching commanders eyes's eyes,
"Cmon Jack! Just one more, you can do it" says Percy nipping at Jack's heels, the others where in front keeping a steady pace. One of the recruits named Caden turned around and began to stream some random information about fitness requirements . Percy and jack, in unison scream SHUT THE F*CK UP! Caden sets his pace and begins to push past other recruits while blowing steaming off. The commanders listed off the new recruits.

The other recruits are...
Spartan 015 Jason
Spartan 017 Piper
Spartan 001 Percy
(Catch the reference anybody)
Spartan 110 Caden
Spartan 103 Annabeth
Spartan 141 Ana
Spartan 113 Jack
The team of unlikely friends begins to walk off the track when a massive shadow passes over the feild. One screamed (might of been me, caden) while others ran to the base. It was the dreaded "long night of solace". The ship that was thought to be blown to bits on Reach. Another recruit yells "wait for me"! It's my twin, Spartan 141. Ana. We all sprinted for the bunker when Jack behind to lag behind. I stop and Begin to yell "get your A** in gear when he's picked up. We all freeze. He's just hanging there when suddenly somthing bright blue slices through his abdomen and blood splatters every where. (First chappie and I killed a person. Sorry) Percy screams "Jack no!" We have to grab him and drag him to the base where marines with rifles are waiting to cover us. I look back and see Jacks lifeless corpse thrown to the side.

The building we made it to is solid concrete and is bristling with marines and NCO'S. A pretty lady with a lab coat tells us to follow her.

We follow her to some lab room with beds and machines. The doctor says
"You will be undergoing a major augmentation, this will allow you to have better equipment and armour". Please select a bed and take a seat". We are all strapped down and sedated while the magic of syringes and fluids go to work.
(Time skip 3 hours )

Percy, Jason and I are the first to awake from there procedure. "Caden, Percy since when do we have 6 packs and muscles?" Jason asks. " I like it" Percy Exclaims. I open my mouth to speak but no sound comes out. Percy asks" dude say somthing". I mouth "I cant, I think my neck is busted ". A few minutes of talking and chilling, the rest of the Spartans begin to wake up. and people with lab coats tell us to quickly follow them. I take the lead and we walk into a room with cool armour and guns! SO MANY I think. We each got a egg head telling us to sit still while the measure our bodies for armour fitting. As we sit there I hear gun fire and screams. I look out the door window and watch as ODST troopers and marines stave of the alien horde. Suddenly doors shut in front of the doors I was looking out of. I try to say somthing but remember my neck Is messed up. My Twin Ana gets the message and asked why doors shut. We are so damn important that those marines have to fight alone. Two fork lifts bring out our armour and body glove. .

"They must be heavy" Jason says.

A scientist replies" the are two metric tons of solid titanium alloy". We slowly get our armour on and walk around. Last but not least comes the helmet, a person explains that they have coms and a heads up display, I'm thinkin hey, what do I do?, I can't talk! Waved my hands and pointed to my neck. Giving the knife across throat thing to Ana. Thank the gods she's smart. Someone plugs a chip into my helmet and a holographic figure pops up saying "hello! My name is theta! Cadens A.I. how can I help". I think to my self giving me a voice box would he amazing! Theta, apparently can hear that and replies in a whisper"sorry dude no can do". Suddenly a old grizzled sergeant walks and and gives us some nice guns. Ana, gets Twin pistols wire attachable suppressors . Jason gets a Aussualt rifle. Piper gets a suppressed smg. Annabeth gets a DMR (designated marksman rifle) and sniper. Percy gets twin Smgs with a pistol side arm. Me? I got the cool one. A massive Belt fed full auto machine gun. Talk about cool. When a door opens to reveal our ride, I go to the pilots seat and Percy asks"so, armour helps right?" So begins the story of the wolf pack.

(Longest chapter I've ever written. Bigger than one of my essays. Hope you enjoy. Sorry I did not include Frazel and caleo. To many Spartans as is. I don't own PJO or HOO characters. Rights go to Rick Riordan.)

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