Chapter 2. Guns suck

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As we boarded our ride we heard shouts and marines came running from the facility. The others stood up and tried to help the wounded on to our pelican drop ship. "Theta, how many can this bird carry?" I think.
(Remember I'm still hurt from the augmentation)
"Approxametley 20 people. Only 15 due to your Spartans armour" he replies.

"Shit! I need more people than 15. We. Cannot leave any personal behind!" I think.

My team begins to open fire against the covanent forces. Suddenly Percys SMG'S jam and he says "these things friggin suck!"

I pushed two more switches and I finally get the pelican of the pad with angry elites screaming for our blood. I turn the pelican around with the Caliber gun pointing at them. I smile evily under my helmet as I jam my thumb on the fire button. Purple mist paints the pad as I back off and fly my team out of the mouth of hell. I hear the idle chat in the back and I try to join the coms, but my voice comes out in a hoarse whisper "how's everybody back there?"
Jason replies " all good thanks to your piloting you moron".
"Your welcome to leave any time jackwagon" I shoot back.
I continue to cruise towards the next Tartarus base, hoping my bird can keep it together, it was hit when I fired at the elites. One of the engines is failing so I need to get going. Suddenly my engine explodes and I begin to lose control. " ladies and gentlemen this is your pilot speaking, we have lost an engine and are currently on a crash course for the surface below, please strap in and hold on." I say casually. As we hurtled towards the dirt below I'm thinking that the impact will kill the wounded, crap. My choices are either crash and kill or crash then kill. Wow thanks theta for those odds. As we spiraled out of control I hear Annabeth ask " do these helmets filter out puke?"

"That patch did not make it past the beta stage, you will likely drown" Theta replies.

"Not helping theta!" Jason shouts over the beeping alarm.

The engine continues to burn as we clip off the tops of some trees, the pelican skips across a small pond into a green feild of grass and rocks. I hear the snapping of bones against restraints as we decelerate to fast for the marines to handle.

Us Spartans step out of the pelican and look at it in despair.

"That thing was my baby" I mumble.

"It was pretty comfortable until our stone skip stop, I'll have to give this thing props" replies Annabeth.

Ana slugs me in the shoulder saying " nice flying bro"

Percy and Jason and quiet. Percy is punching his SMG'S to get them to work. Accidentally setting one of them off and hitting my chest armour.

" Dammit Percy watch were you point that thing!" I shout angrily. That shot hit my armour and was immbeded in my new shell.
Annabeth rolls her eyes and whispers
"Cmon seaweed brain, let's move before he shoots you back".

Me Jason and Ana just sit there tryin to think we're is the base were we can get some ammo and a new pelican.

My thoughts are interrupted by a phantom dropping a ton of troops near us.

"Shit! We need to get to cover" I shout.

We all dive behind the destroyed pelican just as plasma rains over head. I pop up and open fire. Bullets go hurtling towards the enemy position. The vibration of my big ass gun shooting is awesome. I hear that magical noise of *clik* *clik*. No ammo great. Percy and Annabeth jump over and set to work slashing with knives and shooting there guns. Ana helps me get a new clip out of my giant backpack filled with food and ammo.

What we did not realize is that the pelican had a extended cargo hold with a transport Warthog in it. We pull it out and go about replacing broken peices and parts.

The truck is fixed and we clamber in.

Ana driving. Annabeth Is in the shot gun seat. I am standing acting a gunner. Percy and Jason cover our backs.

Over the coms I can here Percy say " The covanent guns suck!". As we drive towards another UNSC base.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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