Mr Caffrey

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I walked down the cold streets of New York City with a coffee in my hand, taking in the smell of hot dogs and fumes from taxi cabs.
I walked into the FBI building and made my way to the elevator, pressing the up button and waiting for it to arrive. I took a sip of my coffee, it was warm on my tongue and tasted like heaven.
I was exhausted, Moz had kept me up all night tasting wine for his new 'collection' as he liked to call it. I just think he wanted an excuse to drink but ah well.
I stepped into the elevator as it opened and pressed the number up to the White Collar Unit.
As I stepped out of the elevator I immediately saw Peter standing outside his office, leaning on the balcony. He gave me a death glare and did the two finger point in my direction, gesturing me to follow him into his office.Great, just what I need.
I walked up and into his office where he was standing looking out of the window, faced away from me.

"Didn't you get my calls?!" He said sternly, still turned away from me.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw 6 missed calls from him.
"I didn't hear them sorry, I was getting coffee... What's up?"

He turned around and faced me, sitting down in his chair and pulling in closer to his desk, placing his hands on top of it.

"It's Alex, she's back." He stared at me and my heart started racing a little.
"She's--what?" I stuttured, surprised at the news.
"She is a suspect in a bank heist" he sighed.
That's a bit low profile for Alex, there must be a biggest story to this.

*4 hours later*
I opened the door to my apartment to see Moz sitting at the table with a glass of wine in front of him. There was also another glass.
"I don't want any, I'm still recovering from last night." I chuckled to him.
"Oh, it's not for you" he stated.

"Well then who's it f--" I was cut short by the sight of the one person that I thought I would never see again.

"Hello Neal" she smirked. She walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lips. It felt like it lasted forever, maybe I wanted it too.

"Alex" I said when she seperated our lips.
"Awkard...I have um...thing's to attend to...somewhere that's not here..." Mozzie got up and exited the room.

As the door closed I turned my attention back to Alex.

"You know you're a wanted girl, right?" I looked down at her.
"Tell me something just depends who wants me..." She crawled two fingers up my chest and placed them on my lips.
"I missed you Neal" I felt emotion in her voice. Emotion that I hadn't heard in a long time.
"I missed you too" I smiled back at her.
She started to undo my tie.
"Wait..Peter is looking for you, everyone is" I warned her.
"Well lets hope they don't look here any time soon" she smirked and kissed my lips again.
I smiled as I lifted her off the ground and pinned her against the wall, kissing her neck as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
My breathing became heavy as I lifted her over onto the bed and lay her down. She undressed and began to unbutton my shirt. I kissed up her stomach until I found her lips, I felt her smile as I kissed them.


I put my tshirt back on and pulled my jeans up collecting my things as I walked over to the table where a note pad and pen sat.
I wrote a message for Neal and then quickly left before he woke up.

I woke up and expected to see Alex next to me, but she was nowhere to be found. I walked over to the table and saw a note. It was her writing,

"Morning sleepy head. We'll have to do this again sometime, I have some business to attend to today. How about dinner tonight?
Alex xo"

I smiled at the thought of seeing her again, but then I remembered she's a suspect. I can't tell Peter I saw her.

Neal walked into my office looking very happy. It was good to see. He'd seemed down since Sarah had left and since I had told him about Alex.

"Peter how's your day going? Here I got you a coffee. How's Elizabeth?" Neal rambled on.

"Who gave you extra sugar in your coffee?" I chuckled and he brushed it off, still smiling.

"We have a lead on Alex. We've found her on cctv exiting a bank this morning. She was probably scoping it out for a heist. Maybe it's for tonight." I informed him.

His mood changed and his smile faded as soon as I mentioned Alex.

"No she can't be tonight she-" He began to talk and then stopped himself.

"She what? Neal have you been in contact with her?!" I demanded an answer.

"No, I was going to say, um, she is a broad daylight kinda girl, why would she change now?" He seemed on edge and as if he was improvising, but i didn't question it. I would find out myself if he had spoken to her.

We left Peter's office and got into a lift to investigate the apparent sighting of Alex. I wasn't worried, she's too smart to get caught. She probably got spotted on cctv on purpose, to keep us on our toes.
When we were in the lift I stood at the opposite corner to Peter and pulled Alex's note out of my pocket, reading it over in my head. The door pinged and I quickly shoved the paper into my back pocket as we exited the lift. Some new agent bumped into me and dropped the folders he was holding.
"Oh--I'm sorry let me help" I bent down and picked them up for him, placing them back in his arms. He said thank you and I carried on my route towards the doors of the building. I turned around as I reached the doors to see Peter was further behind me. As he approached me he looked frustrated, but I wasn't really sure why.

"You okay Peter?" I questioned.

"Yeah, im fine." He said quite bluntly.

As Neal bent down to help pick the guy's folders up a piece of paper fell out of his back pocket. I picked it up and unfolded it. Neal continued towards the exit.
I read the paper and was instantly pissed off. Why did he keep this from me? Alex was back. I wonder who he'll stay loyal to, me or Alex?

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