Dinner Dash

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I couldn't believe he would hide this from me. Wait..yes I could, this is Neal Caffrey we're talking about, he does this all the time.

I tried to act normal, if Alex and Neal meet tonight we could get Alex in for questioning. I don't like going behind Neal's back, but sometimes he gives me no other option.

We walked into the bank where Alex had been spotted and spoke to the head security guard.

"Yeah she was here, we saw her come out, but we have no footage of her coming in." He told us as we all watched the footage on his monitor.

"Two camera's down the hall were broken already." The guard also shared with us.

"She must have been planning her route for a heist. We need to find where she got in. I also want men on every corner of this place. We're on high alert." I told Diana.

"Do you really think she's stupid enough to rob a bank that she's been seen coming out of?" Neal asked.

"I can't take that risk Neal." I told him.


I walked to the back of the bank and towards the offices. There was a fire exit with an alarm that had been tampered with. This must be how she had got in.

"Hey Peter, look at this" I called him over.

"She must have switched the wires, i'll have someone take a look and fix it. Good work Neal"

*Later that night*


I knew that it would look strange me going to a restaurant if they looked at my anklet so I planned dinner for me and Alex at my apartment. There was a knock at the door, I opened it to see Alex standing there in a sparkling black dress and her hair curled to one side.

"Wow, this reminds me of that time in Paris" I said, kind of speechless.

"You'll have to be more specific.." she smirked.

"When we stole Monsieur Pier De Blanc's ruby" I explained as I put our food onto plates and placed them at the table, with a lit candle sitting in the middle.

"Ah, yes. That was a good day." She smiled wide.

"And an even better night if I do recall" I smirked before continuing, "The bank you were going to rob was a bit, let's say, under qualified for you." I smiled.

"It's not for me. Someone is blackmailing me. They have my fingerprints and pictures of me leaving an abandoned building where police found the dead body of a state senator. I do the easy job and they destroy the evidence." Her smile faded.

"Who's blackmailing you?" I asked.

"I've only met the messenger, his name's Don Rowland, I'm due to meet him next thursday to give him the cash in exchange for the evidence." She explained.

"That might be a bit tricky, Peter had the alarm system replaced and upgraded. They're onto you." I informed her.

"What?! Neal I need that money I can't be framed for murder! What do I do now?" She panicked slightly.

"I have a plan I promise. Me and you, like the good old days.." I smiled.

"You better had because you owe me now you've got your suits involved." She said firmly.

"Anyway, lets enjoy tonight!" I tried to lighten the mood. "The note you left was a nice touch" I laughed as I checked my pocket for it. It wasn't there.

I ran over to my suit jacket to find that also empty. I wondered where it had gone.

*Neal has a flashback to the moment he bumped into the agent at the lift and how Peter was strangely weird with him afterwards*

"You have to go." I demanded.

"What? Neal what's the matter?" She was confused.

I put the note in my pocket and I think it fell out and Peter found it.

I rushed over to her. "You can leave through the back exit downstairs, I don't think Peter is here yet." I said quickly.

She turned to run but before she did she turned back and placed a long, soft kiss on my lips.

"i'll be in touch Neal. I won't forget that promise." She smiled amongst the chaos.


Why did Neal have to put himself in this situation? Alex is wanted in multiple countries, if she is found with him, he'll be under arrest too. I had tried to keep him out of trouble, but someone as high profile as Alex, we can't lose.

We pulled up outside Neal's apartment. As I approached his door with Diana and Jones I shouted,

"ALEX, FBI, COME OUT WHERE I CAN SEE YOU!" I barged through the unlocked door to see Neal coming out of the closet area.

"Hey Peter, What's up?" He seemed calm as he walked over to us.

"Neal where is she?" I sighed.

"Who?" He pulled a confused face but it didn't fool me.

"You know who! Alex!" I shouted.

"On the run robbing banks last time I heard" He seemed smug.

"Who's the dinner for?" I pointed at the plate of freshly prepared food.

"Mozzie. He loves Italian." Neal smiled.

"Take him in for questioning Diana, and search every inch of this place" I looked down at the floor.

"Surprise surprise, you don't trust me. I can't believe you Peter." He shook his head.

"I found the note Neal." I said before turning and leaving.

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