Chapter 1

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Jordan's POV

I'm still very curious as to how this whole plan is going to go. The goals are very far fetched and are extreme. But hey, she's not threatening to kill anyone or herself, so whatever makes her happy.

I'm sitting in my honors English class in total boredom. I'm borderline falling asleep and drooling on my desk. I honestly don't care about Scout or Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird. I care about going to Lauren's house for the project meeting and to eat all of her food. Today we're supposed to discuss a few of the fundraiser ideas.

My run down, used up, honors English teacher was explaining what was going to be on our exam while almost passing out on the floor.  She eventually passed out on the floor due to her narcolepsy. That meant people could do whatever for the remainder of the hour. That meant the paper balls were going to take liftoff.

The first one that went flying and hit Kyle, who was sitting in front of me. He should've gone with the plan, he's talented, he's h-, I mean, ahem. He's also very optimistic. Kyle is very patient and kind, so it didn't bother him. The next one nailed me in the back. This is normally what everyone except for the band and art students do when our teacher falls asleep.

Another one hit Kyle.  It seemed like with each paper ball, he was losing a little bit more patience. Another one hit me straight in the forehead. I don't have the same amount of patience as he does so I decided to do something about it. I picked up the paper ball and as I was aiming at Devlin's face (never thought you'd hear that name again, did you?), I came to the conclusion that throwing it at him would make me stoop down to his level. So instead of throwing it, I went to go throw the paper ball in the trash. People laughed at me, like they always do when I decide to be the bigger person.

"What's wrong, Monere?" Devlin yelled. "Too scared to fight back? Do you need your little friends to back you up?"

I just sat in my seat and ignored him while doing my biology homework. He didn't seem to get the hint.

"Hey, I heard you were admitted to a mental hospital at one point. What was it like?" He still didn't seem to get the hint that I didn't want to talk to him.

But I did say something.

"It's none of your business." I said quietly.

"I'm just curious. Were you admitted because you and I stopped being friends? Or was it because you beat up my girlfriend at the time?"

"Just shut up."

"Or was it when your band was smartly taken away by the principal?"

Before I was about to explode, someone else did for me. I never thought that a random stranger like Kyle would stand up for me.

"Hey!" Kyle yelled to Devlin silencing the laughter coming from other people. "I would like to hear something intelligent come out of your mouth for once. Because what your saying to her is definitely not." He picked up the other paper ball and chucked it at Devlin.

"Grow up and think about what she has probably went through losing the one thing that makes us happy. You were in band at one point, why can't you just give a little respect to those that made it the one thing that made them happy?"

That shut him up pretty quickly. Devlin finally just sat back down in his seat. I patted Kyle on the back.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him. "You just said what the rest of us have been wanting to say for a long time."

"No problem. Anything for a fellow trombone like yourself. Hey, I got a question." He asked.


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