She Returns

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Jason's pov

I finally get back to where we were playing and as soon as I step out of my truck, someone's hand slams me into it! Who?! Oh Tully. "What did you do?!" I hold my hands up in surrender. "Relax, man, all we did was talk. She doesn't want me back. She made it clear that she was your girl now not mine." He lets go of my shirt. "That's right. She's my girl which means leave her alone or I'll kick your ass!" Why is he so mad?! "We may be best friends man but that girl means the world to me and I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy." "Oh Tully!" I turn around confused. She closes the door of her Chevrolet.

Miranda's pov

No one has ever said anything so nice to me before. Tears shimmer in my eyes, seeing him stick up for me like that and then what he said. I run over and into his arms. "Oh Tully you're the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for." He wipes away my tears. Jason quickly walks away. I'm not even gonna think about him. I wrap my arms around Tully's neck and kiss him hard, my fingers running through his hair. "I missed you darlin'." He gets a text. "Oh sorry hun I gotta get onstage... But after me and you-" "You know it." I say, cutting him off with a kiss.

Jason's pov

Finally Tully walks to the stage. I glare at him angrily. I shouldn't be angry but I am. Ok first on the set list is when she says baby. I'll distract myself with music. "Some days it's tough just gettin' up. Throwin' on these boots and makin' that climb. Some days I'd rather be a no show lay low for I go outta mind but when she says baby...."

Miranda's pov

Even if he hurt me, I still love his music. He has a great voice. He finished that song and I head to get a beer from the concessions. "This goes out to a very special little girl from Mississippi that completely rocked my world for a night. I blew it all baby and I'm sorry. He sings even if I wanted to. I get my beer and make my way back to my spot. Tully shoots daggers at Jason who's pleading eyes are on me. I shake my head and cross my arms. "Stop it." I mouth. He shakes his head. Wait what does he mean no?! I just look away.

Jason's pov

Darn it. I don't got nothin' left in my ideas to get her back! I finish the concert in low spirits. She's backstage probably waiting for Tully. I swallow my dignity and walk over. "Leave me be Jason." "No it's alright I'm not trying to win ya back again. I wanna apologize... I shouldn't have kept on during the show like that." I stuff my hands in my pockets. "One thing I wanna know is why? Why did you break up with me if you supposedly still love me?" I don't even know the answer. "I don't know! I was stupid like I said! I have no idea why! But I'm being honest when I say I do still love you." Maybe just maybe.... "I appreciate your honesty, Jason, really I do. But it's just not gonna happen. It's over." I lower my head. "I... I know. I'm sorry." She hugs me which catches me by surprise but I hug her back wishing like hell it didn't have to end. But then Tully walks over shooting me the evil eye. "Come on sweetheart, we've got reservations. Bed for two." I fight back the urge to punch that blonde headed guitar playin' girlfriend stealing son of a bitch. She smiles up at him. I sigh and watch them leave to the bus. "She's just my goodbye girl." I mumble staring at them sadly.

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