A Hero

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Miranda's pov

I hate him. He's a liar and a trickster. I used to be a fan. I'm not even that anymore. I trash my CDs and shirts and all that stuff while drinking Jack Daniels. I noticed Rachel's cigarettes on the counter. I glare at my shoes, already half drunk and miserable.

Jason's pov

I grab my keys. "Where are you going?" Rachel asks. "To prove to her I'm not the horrible person she thinks I am! I was just desperate! I wanted her back then and I want her back now." "You can't! You've been drinking!" I roll my eyes. "I'm perfectly sober. One beer isn't gonna kill me." She snatches my keys. "You had one beer, three shots of jack and a shot of scotch. Your eyes are bloodshot and you are leaning on the wall to stay standing!" I clench my fists in anger. "She's worth the risk!" I snap, grabbing my keys. But she grabs my shoulder, throwing my balance off and I almost fall, sadly proving her point but I don't care. I rest a hand on the wall to keep from falling. "Let go of me." "If you're gonna do this, at least let me drive you." I can settle for that. "Alright, but speed on it." "Let's go."

Miranda's pov

Already stone cold drunk, I light a cigarette. I'll buy her some more later. I take a long drag and sing drunkenly to don't change gone. This whole mess makes me so miserable. In my blind rage, I flip the coffee table. I gasp in surprise forgetting about the candle sitting there. It lands on the whiskey I spilled earlier and bursts into flames! I scream and fall back, tripping over the foot prop for the chair! By now the curtains and part of the ceiling has caught on fire. I stare at it terrified. "Help!! Someone help me!!" I cry, shaking. I hear a crack and the ceiling falls, a beam trapping me. I hit my head on the ground, my vision fading in and out. My head pounding. The smoke so dark I can't even see my hand in front of my face. "Somebody help." I squeak, tiredly.

Jason's pov

Oh my God! Her house is on fire! Please don't let her be home!! I jump out before the car even stops. "Baby!!" I scream, terrified. "I'll call the fire department! We should wait for them!" Rachel gasps. "Screw that! My girlfriend could be in there!" I gripe, running to the door. God, I hope she isn't in there. For her sake.

Miranda's pov

I'm barely able to keep consciousness. I reach my hand up, praying for help, praying to live. "Somebody." I whisper, my voice hoarse. The door is thrown open. Thank you. My vision is dark and fuzzy. I can't tell who it is. It's a guy though and he pulls the beam off me. I fall unconscious after that.

Jason's pov

I pick her up as she falls unconscious. Oh no! "Baby wake up!" I hear something hissing. Oh shit! This place is about to explode. I run out. "Get down!" I yell to Rachel. She hides behind my truck. I run over there as the house explodes, searing heat burns my back. I lay on the ground exhausted, my back on fire, and fear in my heart. She lays unconscious beside me. Burns on her arms, face, and chest. I shakily reach a trembling hand towards her and barely touch her face. "Baby please wake up. Please be okay." But I can't even keep my own consciousness.


I woke up in the back of an ambulance, a breathing mask on my face. "Oh you're awake!" I can't see that well. My vision's failing me. "Who..... Where is the girls?" "The girl that was burned is in another ambulance and the other girl is following us in your truck." "Is..... She okay?" I try to sit up but it hurts too much. "Just relax, you've been through a lot." He's not answering my question, making my fear the worst. "Was she alive when you got there?!" "Yes, but we don't know how long or if she'll make it." My body freezes. "That was very brave." He says. "I.... She's my.... Girl..... I had to." I'm so shocked I can't even think of something normal to say. She might die they said! What do I do then?! We get to the hospital and I am told to go to the burn unit for my back but all I can think about is where is Miranda? Is she okay? Is she even still alive?! They bandage my back, making me wince and as soon as that's done I ask where she is. "In a coma." She's in the burn unit too. I rush to her room. There's a breathing tube down her throat and gauze wrapped around her arms and chest and bandages on her face and head. My hands are shaking. I should call the rest of them. Rachel walks out of the bathroom making me jump in surprise. "Hey Jay, you okay?" "Yeah, just my back got burned a little when the house exploded. How's she doing?" "A coma. I don't know what to do! What if she dies?!" Um..... "Did you call everyone?" She nods and starts crying. I hug her tight. All I know is I'm not leaving her side til she wakes up.

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