I'm an anime character? [Part 2]

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"Hn. Whatever."

"Hey!" You yelled, pounding your fist onto his head. "I'm not a liar, you jerk!"

Sasuke calmly took your hits one at a time and stood up.

"If you're an enemy, then lets fight." He spoke, pulling out his sword.

It was dark, but the little bit of light from the moon reflected off his sword. You calmly responded by turning back around and ignoring the man the best you could, falling asleep.

"Hello?" He questioned, waiting for you to accept his battling request.

"Zzzzzz..." You snored, causing Sasuke to jump.

Were you- Were you snoring?! Sasuke jumped up in shock. What the heck was wrong with you?

"Idiot!"He yelled, slamming you with a pillow, causing you to fly up in reaction. "Wake up!"

You jolted up as the raven head stared down at you in confusion.

"What the hell are you doing!" You began, pouting. "Couldn't you see that I was sleeping?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

"We were in the middle of a fight, and you fell asleep!" He yelled back, throwing his fists everywhere.

As you watched the boy freak out, you realized how odd he looked. It may have been socially acceptable in Konoha, but not so much here.

"Hey, hey, hey..." You began to speak in a calming voice, trying to get the boy to relax. "Don't do that while you're here, it doesn't look human like."

"What the hell is with you? This is what I do all the time-" He yelled again, this time even louder.

"Shhh!"You yelled, interrupting the boys rant. "You can't yell, Sasuke!"

"What did you mean by 'you're on earth'?" He asked, confused and still keeping his guard up. "What is 'earth'?"

You sighed as your brain began to think about the different ways to explain the situation to him.

"Well..." You muttered, lightly tapping your foot in deep focus. "Uh...-"

"Come on already." He interrupted impatiently.

"Well you see..." You paused, trying to think of a perfect way to show him. "Aha!"

Sasuke jumped at your sudden outburst as you ran over to your laptop. You quickly flipped up the screen and went onto the google website.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a threatening tone.

"I'm showing you in a way that you'd understand." You retaliated in a rather harsh tone.

What? He was being rude, so that allowed you to do the same. You quickly typed in some words relating to Naruto and his world and abruptly turned the screen toward the boy. He looked down at the screen and back at you in utter shock.

"Why the hell do you have these pictures of me and the people from-"

"That's the thing, Sasuke. You guys are a television show for us." You mumbled.

"I don't believe you." He scoffed momentarily.

You unintentionally rolled your eyes as you typed in the link for your Facebook account.

"See? This is my world, the one you are in now." You spoke, scrolling down your page filled with pictures of you and your friends.

"These people don't look right..."

You began to think as you looked over at the boy.

"Wait a minute.." You mumbled as you thought of an idea. "Do I look like this?" You said, pointing at a picture of you on the screen. "Or like I belong with these people?" You asked, clicking back to the picture of Naruto and his friends.

"You look normal, like them." He said, pointing to the picture filled with people in the Sand and Hidden Leaf village.

Your eyes filled with amazement as you jumped up and down.

"Really?" You squealed, causing Sasuke to cover his ears in pain.

"What the hell are you doing-"

"How do I look?" You asked from curiosity. "I've always wanted to see how I'd look as an anime character-"

"What the hell is anime? What are you talking about?"

"How do I look?" You demanded.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked over your body, turning a bit red.

"You look okay, I guess."

"Okay?" You yelled, lightly punching the guy in the arm. "Okays not enough! I want more information!"

He sighed, looking at your face more closely.

"Well, you have (h/c), (h/l) hair.." He spoke, taking a hold of your face. "I think (e/c) eyes." He continued to examine you closely, moving down your body. "And you're just wearing your pajamas. That's it."

"How about my legs? Ooo, or my boobs and butt?" You asked, hope filling your eyes. You've wanted to be an anime character since forever.

Sasuke's face turned bright red at the sound of your questions.

"I-I don't think-"

"Oh come on!" You complained. "Just tell me!"

"I don't really know how to describe that..."

"Like are they big, small, medium-"

"I don't think I should-"

"They're small aren't they!" You sighed, sitting down in defeat.

"No, no,no, they're okay, I just meant-"

"So they aren't good?" You interrupted again.

"Stop interrupting me!" He yelled, grabbing onto your shoulder and pulling you up again. "Your boobs and butt are good, okay?"

You looked up at Sasuke to find him staring right at you. His face was but a few inches away from yours and you could feel your face turning red.

"Uh, okay.." You mumbled, backing away from the boy and forcing him to release his grip on you. "Thanks."

Sasuke sighed.

"Now can you tell me what the hell anime is?"

"You're part of an anime Sasuke, it's basically a television show."

Sasuke chuckled as he heard your explanation.

"That's ridiculous. Why the hell would I believe that lousy explanation?"

You sighed heavily in aggravation as you slowly breathed out.

"You know what, Sasuke?"You said, beginning to raise your voice. "If you don't want to even listen to me, get out."

Sasuke's eyes twitched just a little bit in surprise of your demands. He knew he shouldn't just leave, but he couldn't let you boss him around either.

"Fine." He stated, opening the door.

"Wait-" You yelled, running toward the door and slamming it shut before he could escape. "What're you doing?"

Plan accepted and set into action. End response: Positive.

"That's what I thought."

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