Spare me [Part 4]

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"What the hell?!" You heard the brooding Uchiha yell as you felt your head hit the wooden floor of your bedroom.

Your eyes barley opened as they traveled up, looking over at Sasuke with pure anger and hatred. Not only was that a terrible way to wake you up, but it sure as hell hurt too. What was going on inside that psychopathic mind of his? This kind of stuff wasn't acceptable anywhere, nevertheless Konoha. Maybe that's why he left Konoha in the first place, or should we say, kicked out?

"Sasuke!" You growled, impatiently standing up off the ground and straightening your posture before him. "What was that for?"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed at you angrily as he crossed his arms across his pale bare chest.

"You're acting like I'm the one who did something wrong." He stated.

You jumped at the boy's odd sense of thought as you began stomping your way over to him, pushing his shoulders against the wall.

"You're in my house, and you kicked me off of my own bed for god's sake!" You scoffed, poking his chest as if he were a child to purposely aggravate him. But his reaction was not exactly what you were expecting. The male reached over to his sword, almost instantly turning the tables on you as he pushed your body against the wall with only the blade against you to force you still.

Your eyes instantly widened as you looked directly into his eyes, almost as if begging to be spared.

"You were latching onto me in your sleep." He stated plainly, not even slightly moving his arm or position against you. "You thought you could act so kind to me to trick me and then assassinate me in your sleep. You must be an idiot to think I had trusted you."

"G-get this damn sword away from me..!" You shuttered as you stood still, trying to yell at him without making contact with the blade.

The last thing you wanted to do was explain to your parents why you have a huge cut around your neck. That was the smallest problem you could think of that involved keeping Sasuke with you.

"Now, Sasuke!" You barked demandingly. "Or else you'll have no one else to help you get back to your dumb world!"

Sasuke's eyes just barley twitched, as if he had just come to a realization. The male cautiously brought his sword back to his side as he nodded.

"That's the only reason I'll let you live. But if you think I'm going to let my guard done because you're a girl or some bullshit like that, you're wrong." He scoffed, turning away from you and walking over to your desk.

"I didn't try to assassinate you in your sleep, Sasuke." You muttered as your hands slid up to your neck, feeling around at the area the sword was just put at. No pain, no blood, no cuts. "You latched onto me and wouldn't let me go, no matter how much I begged you."

You heard a low chuckle erupt from the male as you glanced over at the male at the desk.

"You think I'd believe one thing that comes out of your mouth? This is all probably some prank made by Naruto to try to get me to come back." He scoffed, running his right hand through his hair.

"It's not!" You growled, walking over to him. "So quit saying that!"

"Shut up already-"

"[Name]?" You heard a voice say.

You turned around to look toward the doorway, spotting your mother there.


How did you get here? [Sasuke x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt