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Later that night me and Ruby were sitting on my bed in the hotel room with the rest of MDE

Shannon and alex were on the spare bed beside mine and all the boys were either on the small couch or on the floor and we were currently playing two truths and a lie andAlex was saying

"I have one amazing girlfriend aaannd-" when johnnie cut her off saying

"How about we play truth out dare?"

(Ok from now on when they speak

"Johnniiiiieeee that's not had you're tuuuurn!"~A

"Dude Johnnie cutting off bæ like that is soo not right 'haha'"~S

"Haha' but you know that's not a bad idea"~Jw

"Actually I have a really bad feeling about this..."~Y

"Let's record it! We can upload it on MDE. We can record us playing different games and upload them as game week so we'll each have a video for this week"~B

"We're making a video for my chanel too!!"~Y

"You bet now let's get ready!"~B

Bryan set up all the cameras and turned them on getting ready to press record

"I'm going to go outside real quick and grab something to make this a little more interesting"~R

"I'll go with her!" Jeyden said after the door closed while thinking 'I have a bad feeling about what she is getting'



I walked outside and looked around the corner and watched ruby grab a few glasses of wine

I looked into the car as much as I could and saw that the papers that she tore of the bottle said different types of wine but not just wine but imitation wine too

I bet she is gunna get us all drunk so that she could have her way with any of us in truth or dare!

I need to tell the others...but then again I could use this and get Ruby back at her own game...

I went towards her and said out loud "hey Ruby I came out to help you carry the thing you came to get...I see that it's wine" I smiled at her and started to grab the water and wine from her

She looked a bit worried and I know why but she just brushes the look away and says "yea thanks but when we get in I'll pass them out"

I smiled and simply said "ok~" and let her walk ahead of me and I threw the bottle of water in the grass

When we walked inside I was pretending to count them and when I was done I handed them to Ruby and went into the kitchen grabbed the empty bottle of patron and filled it with water and walked into the living room

When I walked in I hear Ruby talking about how we each get our own bottle of wine and when we had a turn we would have to take a shot then do or answer what we chose

She started passing out bottles and realized that we were one bottle short so when she turned to me she said "here you can have this one I have a few more in my car"

I smiled and said "don't worry I have my own" and held up the bottle and showed her she looked a little confused on where the bottle of water was I'm assuming we all sat in a circle started recording and began our game

She was one of the first ones to get drunk and it was kinda funny. Although Y/N was a close second and now everyone but me are so drunk that they will probably forget all about tonight but I sure won't

"JEYYUDEEEEENNN!!" Y/N screamed out of no where...I guess I was spacing out

"Truths or dares" that said quickly as they took another drink out of there bottle

"Don't you mean truth or dare without an s on the end of them?" I whispered to myself. "Fine I'll take dare" I say quickly

"I dare youu to kiss the person you like the most in here~... on the LIPS" she screamed the last part.

I blushed a deep red and stood up and walked over to the person I like the most and pulled them out of the view of the camera and kissed them... and that person was...

Cliffhanger!! Or well to me it would be a cliffhanger but to some of you then it probably isn't...but you never know who it could be that he kisses! I don't even know for sure yet... Well Till Next Time Buh-Byyyeeeeee!!!!!

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