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I crept through the doors and made my way silently down the hallway. There didn't seem to be any guards... Yet.

I kept my eyes open for any mobs that might be out. When I had been here before, the halls had been packed with mobs. Now, there were none in sight.

I rounded the corner and thought about where the dungeon was. I remembered it was down a long stone staircase, but that could be anywhere in this huge place.

Seeing 2 guards before a doorway which must have been the throne room, I pressed myself up against the wall. They didn't seem to have seen me yet. I looked into the room, and saw Herobrine sitting on a throne inside. Any wrong move, and it would be him himself who captured me. I was only here to rescue Steve, not kill Herobrine.

I crept passed the room, shooting down the guards as I went. I held my breath as Herobrine shifted in his throne, but didn't get up.

I ran down the next hallway and came to another corner. I listened closely to make sure there were no more guards (Ender beings tend to have very good hearing) then walked around the corner, only to come face to face with someone.

I gasped and fell backwards. I drew my sword and opened my eyes. I let out my breath when I realized it was just another player.

"Sorry!" He apologized. "I didn't know you were there!" He drew his own sword, ready for a fight.

"Woah woah woah, put that away!" I said, covering my face with my own sword. "I'm on your side... Wait, what side are you on?"

"Not Herabrine's side," he said with a growl. "I'm here to kill her."

"Who the hell is Herabrine?" I asked. "Don't you mean Herobrine?"

"No, Herabrine. Herobrine's sister." He stated.

"Ok, I'm really confused. First off, what's your name?"

"I'm Vent," he replied. "And you are?"

"MsMisty, but you can call me Misty. I'm here to rescue my friend Steve. He was captured by Herobrine." I answered. "By the way, cool sword."

"Thanks, it's called Excalibur." He said. "Hey, I'm headed down to the dungeons too, I think Herabrine is there. We have less chance of getting killed if we work together, are you with me?"

"Why not?" I agreed. "Any idea where the dungeon is?"

"No clue," he shrugged.

"All I know is that it's down a long stone staircase."

Vent sighed. "I think I passed one already..."

He lead the way back to where he had seen the staircase. "Is this it?"

"Hmm..." I studied the stairs. "I think. I can't really remember, it's been years since I was here."

"You've been here before?"

"Yeah, most people in the End have."

"Wait, you live in the End?" He seemed surprised.

"I don't just live in it, I rule it. Well, kinda..."

"That's so cool!" He started down the stairs. I followed him until we reached the bottom. There were 2 zombies guarding the entrance.

Vent ran out from his hiding place and killed the first zombie with Excalibur. I could tell he'd had quite a bit of practice with a sword. I quickly shot down the other zombie and we waited at the dungeon entrance.

"How do we know that Herabrine isn't just going to be waiting at the door for us?" I asked.

"There's only one way to find out." He pulled open the heavy iron door and went inside. I followed him, thinking that this wasn't the best idea. Herabrine would see us. But then on the other hand, he was here to kill her anyway.

Just as I thought, as we entered, Herabrine whipped around. "What do you think your doing?!"

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