Herobrines son

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(Ok, I wrote this entire chapter last night, and then wattpad crashed and it deleted everything. I was so mad. Then this morning I got up at 5:00 feeling like I really had to write it and I couldn't get back to sleep, it was really weird. Well, here it is, finally. Sorry you guys had to wait so long, this chapter took a crap ton of planning... Plus I was too lazy to write it. :P)


When Vent was little, he was very pressured to be like his father when he grew up. Herobrine wanted him to be evil. The problem was, Vent didn't want to be evil. He thought that the things Herobrine did were cruel. Vent wanted to be good.
But Herobrine wouldn't take no for an answer. Any act of kindness was frowned upon, and he was often punished for it.
The only things that could ever cheer him up, were his pet pig Dave, and his brother David. David was much like him, wanting to be good despite his father. Dave was a very loyal pet.
One day, when the boys were both asleep, Herobrine snuck out and killed Dave the pig. He believed that no one needed friends and that Dave was just holding them back.
When Vent and David went to see Dave the next morning, they were horrified to find that he had been murdered!
Vent thought it was Herobrine, while David suspected someone else. Herabrine. When he accused her of it, she overreacted.
When Vent went to confront Herobrine, he admitted that he had killed Dave, and that he regretted nothing. Vent was very mad, and the little argument turned into a full on fight with swords and everything. Luckily, the guards were able to separate them before they killed eachother.
Herobrine sent Vent to stay in his room for a week. When he got there, he found that David had been sentenced to the same punishment.
Stuck in their room for a week, the boys decided to look through one of the spell books. They were surprised to find a certain spell.
"This spell will zap an entity of any supernatural powers," Read David. "Vent, if we used this spell, we could be free of our relatives and just live a normal life in normal minecraft! We could do anything we wanted!"
Vent didn't hesitate to agree. They preformed the spell on eachother, and they were both zapped of their powers. It wasn't long after that they noticed that their eyes had changed to normal eyes, instead of the glowing white ones they had once had.
That night, long after the boys were both asleep, a figure snuck into the room, holding a knife in their hands...
The next morning, when Vent woke up, he was shocked to find that David was been murdered too! There was still a knife stuck upright in his chest. Vent carefully pulled out the knife and noticed that there was a note taped on.
"Auntie Herabrine is watching..."
Suddenly the knife disintegrated into thin air, removing any evidence. For all Herobrine knew, it was Vent who had killed David.
And that's just what he had thought. At first he was delighted, not that Vent had supposedly killed his own brother, but at the fact that he had supposedly killed SOMETHING.
But then he saw his eyes. His perfectly normal eyes. Herobrine was enraged. Later, Herabrine suggested that Vent should be sent to be executed.
Herobrine angrily agreed. The next day, Vent was tied to the execution table, about to meet his death. Of course, Herabrine was the one who had been chosen to do the executing, since it was her idea in the first place.
When she went to go get a weapon, Vent was surprised to see a transparent figure approach him. It seemed like the ghost of an old man. He was holding a sword.
"I am you're great ancestor King Arthur," the man explained. "Don't worry. I'm here to help you."
King Arthur cut the ropes that secured Vent to the table and handed him the sword.
"Use Excalibur. You can escape and go live a normal life, just like you wanted to."
Vent thanked him and ran for the exit. He met several guards, who he took down with the amazing power of his new sword.
Vent did exactly as he was told, and ran way to live a normal life in normal Minecraft. But on the first night, he was haunted with terrible nightmares of his past, finding Dave and David dead, and most of all, Herabrine about to execute him.
The nightmares continued, until Vent couldn't take it anymore. He vowed that one day, he didn't care how long it took, but he would kill Herabrine.


(Sorry this chapter is so much shorter an less detailed than the original WHICH WAS DELETED 😠 but I couldn't remember half the stuff I put in it last night. Anyways, I might be able to do the next chapter right now! Yay! ~MsMisty)

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