DDM Demon Dean X Reader 3.2

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"You're not my Dad."

"Ouch. What makes you say that?" Dean cocked his head to one side, a playful smile upon his lips.

"You're a demon!"

"Well, yeah...wait, Sammy didn't tell you?...Oh Sam..." He clicked his tongue. "I'm the new and improved, Dad 2.0. Except, actually, I'm not interested in being your father anymore. Too much responsibility for someone that frankly, I don't even like."

Your heart felt as though it was about to leap out of your chest, and tears threatened to spill onto your cheeks at any given moment.

"Even when I was a pitiful human, I didn't love you. You weren't even supposed to be born. You are a mistake." He grinned and chuckled. "I, despise, you." He said it slowly, which added to the indescribable pain the words caused you to feel. Tears were rolling down your cheeks as Sam grabbed the back of your arms and tried to pull you away but you wriggled free and strode right up to Dean. You stood over him.

"I might have been a mistake, but I sure have saved your ass on plenty of hunts. Hell, you wouldn't even be here, demon or not if it weren't for me."

"I'm one of the best hunters out there. I would have been fine without you, you or Sam. I didn't need you then and I certainly don't need you...or want you now. All you are is a useless, unwanted, stupid, sixteen year old, who shouldn't even have been given life in the first place. But you keep on lying to yourself if it makes you feel better..."

Quickly, you grabbed one of the treatment needles and jabbed it into his arm, plunging the lever down. He roared and struggled against his bindings.

"Y/N, come on." Sam said softly, grasping your wrist, and leading you away, out of the panic room.

" Sam said softly, grasping your wrist, and leading you away, out of the panic room

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