iris // three

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I'm not that big yet. Not that I'm complaining, though. I'm not too sure if I'm ready for the whole flashing lights in my face thing just yet. I'm just in it for the music.

I was due for a show tonight. Nothing bimg. Nice intimate venue and three or four hundred people at most. But, hey, if more than fifty people showed up that was a pretty big turn up for me.

There was one big problem. My voice had managed to wander a little farther than I intended. It was rumored that he would be turning up.

I'm not a very petty person. He cleaned up his act and got his shit together. Low key, I was proud of him for that because last time I saw him he was pretty messed up. And by messed up I mean fucked up. All the power to him for getting through that.

My problem was why would he even come here in the first place? After all the things he put us through and all the things he's said to me? After making it very clear how much he cared about me? It was pretty funny to think he could be one of the people in my audience tonight. And, though I hated to admit it, put me under a lot of pressure too.

I didn't know exactly how to explain it, but as I waited backstage. I thought about that guy who approached me earlier. He practically had no idea who I was. If Abel were to come, he could be seen, making me gain publicity. Like I said before, I didn't care whether I made it big or not, but if I did happen to get bigger I didn't want it to be on his account.

What if he tried to talk to me? What if he just came to rub his own sudden fame in my face? I didn't really know why he was here, but all I knew was that I wasn't supposed to be all worked up over him.

Abel Tesfaye was in the past and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him ruin my future.

adaptation // the weeknd //coming early 2016Where stories live. Discover now