First Day of School

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Emma Swan sat in the car driving with her mom to their new home.

Ingrid had recently adopted her and wanted the two of them to have a fresh start together. She had bought an ice cream shop in a small town in Maine so off they went. They used to live in Boston. Emma had been a foster kid for most of her life. Now she had a family.

They had been driving for a while when finally they drove into a town. Emma read the sign on the side of the road. Welcome to Storybrooke. She chuckled a bit at the name of the town.

"What's so funny?" Ingrid asked.

"We are going to live in a town called Storybrooke. It just seems a little funny." Emma smiled.

"Well as long as you're happy here than I'm happy." Ingrid said patting her daughters shoulder.

"I'm happy that I finally have a family." Ingrid was excited to hear Emma say those words. She pulled up to their house. It was light blue and had a white picket fence.

"Its huge!" Emma said staring at the beautiful house. "How can you afford this?!?"

"I wanted the best for us!" She smiled. "And don't worry about money sweetheart I'm practically roayalty." Ingrid chuckled. Emma rushed inside and found a huge bedroom.

"Is this mine?" It was red and black with large white Swans painted on the walls.

"I hope you like it. I worked really hard."

"I love it! Thank you so much!"

"Ok now for the bad news. You will be starting school tomorrow at Storybrooke high. Your cousin Elsa has volunteered to show you around."

"Well I knew I would have to go back to school at some point." Emma shrugged. She was actually excited to meet some friends. She hadn't exactly been popular back in Boston and the fact that she had bounced through foster homes made it worse. She was hoping she could finally make friends.

"There's a nice little diner beside my shop. We can go eat there or I can go bring home some takeout. " Ingrid offered.

"Take out sounds great. Grilled cheese-"

"With onion rings I know Sweetie. I'll be back soon." Ingrid kissed Emma's fore head before grabbing her keys. She drove off and Emma unpacked her things. Ingrid had taken her shopping for new clothes before they left so Emma could start fresh. She finished hanging up all her clothes in her closet as Ingrid walked in the door.

"I'm back!" She called. Emma rushed down the stairs. "Sorry it took so long it was like the while town was there! You would think it's the only resturant in the entire town!" They sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The first Harry Potter was on so they sat and watched while eating their grilled cheeses and onion rings. When the movie ended it was time for Emma to yet to bed. The next day was her first day of school.

Emma woke up bright and early. She got ready for school before waiting at the door for Ingrid to drive her. They drove to the doors of Storybrooke high and Emma was ready for her new life to begin.

"Love you Sweetheart. Feel free to bring home any new friends you make!" Emma nodded and waved before turning to the castle like school. She looked at her schedule and saw her locker number. That was a good place to start. She found her locker minutes later. She put her red leather jacket inside and closed it. When she shut the door, a leather wrapped heartthrob stood on the other side.

"Hello love. Are you new here?" He had a thick Irish accent that impressed Emma. She nodded. "I thought so. I would've remembered a pretty girl like you. The names Killian Jones." He offered his hand.

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