It's a new life for me

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Zelena Mills hated always being in the shadow of her sister. When Regina got grounded everything started getting better for her. Robin Hood had asked her out. Zelena asked Marian who was okay with it. Her mom was a little more loving of her. Emphasis on a little. Zelena didn't mind though.

It was a brand new day and it was the first time she woke up with a smile on her face. She slipped on a green shirt with jeans, black boots and a black jacket.

"Hey Sis I'm having friends over later so if you could not be home tonight that would be great." Regina smirked. She had on an outfit similar to Zelenas except red instead of green. They had this situation a lot and it was always Zelena who had to change. Not this time.

"Well unlike you losers, I'm going to a party tonight." Zelena returned Regina's smirk and strutted out the door. The Mills were rich but Cora always insisted that the girls would get along better if they shared a room. She was wrong, as they still fought every single day.

She would never admit it, but Zelena had always been jealous of Regina. Zelena made her way to the kitchen where her mother was cooking breakfast.

"Hey Mum." Zelena smiled as she sat down at the island.

"Oh Zelena I made pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast. " Cora annouced.

"Oooh my favorite!" Zelena squealed. Cora placed a plate of food in front of her daughter.

"Any plans for tonight?" Cora asked.

"Yes actually. I'm going to Gwens and then we are all going to Emma's party." Zelena explained.

"Emma? I haven't heard you or your sister speak of an Emma before."

"She is new to school. After Regina got in trouble and called off her party, Emma offered to have it at her place. She is the Arendelles cousin I think." Zelena explained to her mother.

"Oh ok. Have fun tonight. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winked. Zelena nodded. She finished her breakfast just in time as there was a honk outside.
She followed the sound to her boyfriends car. She climbed into the passengers seat and greeted her man.

"Hey Robbie." She smiled.

"Hey Zelena. Ready to go? " He asked. She nodded. He drove them to school. Everyone was buzzing about the party. Zelena hadn't even talked to Emma yet. It wasn't that big a deal. Emma had barely talked to anyone. Zelena had kept up on the gossip though.

Emma had been getting pretty close with Killian but she was attending her party with Neal. Liam and August had also shown a slight interest in the girl but that wasn't going anywhere. Regina's boyfriend had also taken a slight interest in the girl but she wasn't supposed to know that. No one was. If Regina found out Graham was looking at other girls Graham would be dead. Regina would be single and Graham would be dead.

Zelena went to her first period and sat through the boring class. In second period she heard whispers of the party but they were quickly stopped by the teacher before she could hear anything interesting.

Third period was fun. She had gym with all the interesting people. Frederick walked in and started giving instructions. They were playing basketball. The teams were chosen playground style. The captains were brothers Liam and Killian. Liam had first pick.

"David." His best friend stood behind him after a bro-hug.

"Tink." Killian picked his girlfriend knowing that if he didn't he would be screwed.

"Emma." Liam smiled. The new girl made her way over to her new team. Liam probably only picked her knowing that was where Killian was going next. Killian proved it by flashing a glare at his brother.

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