3 - Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas

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I let out a groan as I felt someone jump on top of me, poking my face and waking me suddenly from my relaxing sleep. My eyes slowly opened and I glared at my brother, Ryan.

"Good morning, have a lovely sleep?" He wiggled his brows.

"Ryan, I'm Jet Lagged still." I groaned, rolling over and managing to cause Ryan to fall off my bed in the process.

"It's Christmas, Lard face." He grumbled, climbing back onto the face to poke me, "You've only been home 10 hours." 

"I didn't sleep on the plane." I yawned, stretching my limbs.

"Well, in less than eight hours you get to see Justine and get all smoochy with him." Ryan laughed, making kissing noises.

I instantly sat up to give Ryan a good old punch in the arm, before jumping off the bed and making my way out of my room.

Figures, I'd only been home since late last night, and my brother and I had already managed to get straight back into our old routine of banter. I did honestly miss that, so it's great to be home either way.

I stopped in the hallway and checked my hair; it was atrocious and literally went in all directions. I needed some hair gel, but a shower first.

"Good morning, honey." My mother said sweetly as she came down the hall, still in her pajamas, "We're going to open presents, then we'll have something small to nibble on before we go to your grandparents and say hi, and then we'll be at Justin's in no time." She wiggled her brows suggestive.

I cringed, "Mum, don't. I've only been back one night and you're already starting up with the embarrassing stereotypical mum stuff." I crossed my arms.

"Because my baby is finally back home with his mummy." She playfully said, squeezing my cheeks before walking down the hall. I smiled and shook my head; I'm glad to be home.



"Merry Christmas!" a chorus of voices from my Mum, dad, Oliver and Xavier, while Abby just waved as I entered the lounge room, falling onto the couch. I just woke up, and apparently it was time to open presents; but I wasn't really in the mood. I was having the worse Christmas so far; all I wanted was for Jason to at least send me some crumby message wishing me a merry Christmas, or even just a plain old hi.

But of course not; nothing was sent to me through anything. Nothing on Kik, Facebook, text, Skype... ugh.

But I couldn't ruin my family's happiness on Christmas; so instead I sat and watched as my Dad handed out our gifts, my little brother and sister instantly digging into the biggest presents they had.

Abby grinned like a menace when she realized she had a bunch of collectible model motorcycles while Oliver was literally screaming at three monster high dolls he'd gotten. 

Xavier had gotten a load of clothing, at his request, and my parents got a few crappy gifts from us kids.

I grabbed my presents slowly - unmotivated nor excited - unwrapping the gift wrap as if I were afraid to shred it.

The first few presents were mostly clothes, and an gift cards... probably because I can be a shopaholic at times when I go to the mall or online... After opening all my gifts, I did come to like what I got; especially a bath set because I loved my baths. I wasn't a shower kind of guy, if I'm honest.

"Thanks Mum and Dad." I said politely, while picking up my gifts and setting them in a bag so I could take them to my room.

"No problem, but you all have one more gift each." Mum smiled.

"Oh here it comes, the best gifts of all." Xavier nudged me with a grin. I think he already knew what everyone was getting.

I smiled lightly and watched as Mum handed Oliver some card, to which he scrunched his nose up in confusion.

"What's in it?" He asked, shaking the envelope it was in, around, before ripping it open and pulling the card out.

"You'll love it." Mum laughed softly.

Oliver bit his bottom lip and opened it slowly, before a high pitch squeal escaped and he began bouncing around, "Holy shit!"

"Oli!" Dad scolded.

"What? What'd he get?" Abby demanded, trying to look over at it, but Oliver was pretty much sobbing at this point, with the card pressed against his chest.

Whatever he had was making him way too happy, it kinda made me jealous he got whatever he got... since when does our parents get us that awesome of gift anyway?

"I got, I got..." Oliver hyperventilated through his crying, "T-Tickets to see..." He took a deep breath.

"Spit it out, dork." Abby groaned, snatching the card away from him and rolling her eyes, "Just some stupid tickets to see One Direction, seriously?"

"It was a sold out show, you witch! They're going on break for like a million years and this could be my last chance to see them!" Oliver glared through his happy tears, snatching the tickets back, "Plus they're meet and greets! I thought we were dead broke!"

"Hey, me and your mother both work, we aren't broke." Dad snorted, "Plus we got bonuses early this year."

"Oh?" Oliver sniffled, grinning, "Thank you Mummy, and thank you daddy. I can die happily now."

"You're welcome, now Abby, time for your gift." Dad nodded, grabbing some small box.

Abby scrunched her nose in confusion, probably hoping it wasn't jewelry because she hates that sort of stuff. Even though, I'd be happy to get jewelry, since it's expensive. Once she opened the box, a giant grin spread across her face, "I got a damn motorbike didn't I!?" She squealed.

"Spot on." Mum laughed, "But it won't be here for another week since it's being serviced." She explained, to which Abby just beamed and gave mum and dad a hug.

Mum and Dad then went on to give Xavier some money for his saving's account, before they turned to me.

"Oh dear," She smiled, but quickly frowned, "Honey I'm so sorry, Dad and I left your surprise with Mrs. McCann, we went shopping together and I must've left it in her car."

I furrowed my brows; seriously? She forgot my present. Ugh, are you kidding me? I feel loved... not.

"She'll bring it with her so don't worry, your present will be here later." Dad shrugged, while I just sighed.

"Whatever." I grumbled, letting my attitude suddenly show before I picked up my presents and headed back to my room. Somewhere I can self loathe peacefully.

First Jason ignores me for two weeks, now my own parents forgot to give me what could possibly be a really cool ass gift. I think they favor my siblings over me... Or maybe I'm being punished for being so sensitive all the time.

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