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As I woke up, to see a white ceiling. I moved the purple blanket off me, I was laying on a blue framed bed. A girl stood at the end of the bed. She had blue,green, pink and long hair and purple eyes.

Sorry I don't know you or remember you I replied

I understand, I'm your older sister, Celestia she said with tears in her eyes

Was you the one who was singing the song to me? I asked

Yes, I am so so sorry Luna, I wish there was another way she cried

It's fine I understand I committed a serious crime but I am home for good. Right? I asked. Celestia hugged her.

It's time to meet the rest of the family, here wear this Celestia said ( I am wearing what the pic shows at the top ). They left the room as I got dressed, when I finished getting dressed I opened the door and I saw Celestia at the top of the stairs waiting for me. She smiled at me so I smiled back.

Me And The King Of The UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now