Chapter 2- Hidden Secrets and Lies

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So we bought the bow tie. I had to say tho it did rock that bow tie when I put it on. So we were leaving the mall, when the Doctor came running at us. He had that look in his eyes that said he was up to something."What are you doing here?" My twin asked."Nothing" he said a bit to quickly. He's up to something I can tell."Ya sure nothing" She ask sarcastically and rolls her blue eyes. That's are one difference from one another she as blue eyes and I have brown."What you don't believe me?" The doctor asks. "Nope" I say popping the P. the doctor just looks at me."I though you can't talk" he says. "I can just don't" I say plainly."Why?" He asks. I turn my head and look the other way. The real answer is because you don't talk people will leave you alone and when they leave you alone you won't get hurt by them. But I can't tell him that. So I turn back around and say. "Because I just don't like talking to people." Which is half true at lest I'm not full on lying to him."Ok so are we going to talk about where we come from?" Starla says to brake the silence. The doctor takes his burning stare away from me and looks at my sitter. "Not now I got to run" he says before walking off and he turns around right before he turns the corner and says "I will see you two around" and walks off around the corner. "I wonder what he's not telling us" my sitter says as me and her make are way to the car.

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