Chapter 2

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I woke up before anyone else.

I looked around and saw that no one was up, although it was already light outside.

I got out of my sleeping bag and slowly tip-toed my way around a few people to get dressed.

I wore a very dark gray shirt, light gray pants, a grayish-brown leather jacket with a gold chain around the collar, so that I could wear it around my neck, and a black fedora.

When I was finally ready, I walked back to my sleeping bag and noticed that a few others were now awake.

I was still drowsy, so while I was making my way back, I tripped over someone's stuff, which I was afraid, might wake them up.

They didn't though, so I kept on walking.

Once I got back, I tried to wake Gabe up, but he kept on sleeping, so I had to shake him awake.

"Dude, wake up!" I whisper-yelled.

"Huh?..." He yawned.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"I don't know, time for you to get up?"I said.

"Time for you to find a new joke" He said.

I shook my head.

"Seriously though, get up."

He got up and went to get dressed.

He was wearing a crimson-colored shirt, camo/cargo pants, steel-toed, cleated combat boots.

He also had Inconel Armor(I don't really know what 'Inconel' is.), which he wasn't wearing at the moment, and black glasses.

"You ready for the initiation?" He asked.

"Duh!" I said.

I noticed Blake, Yang and Ruby were all awake.

I gave them a quick nod.

"Aight, so we're supposed to go to the uhh...cliff that's over the Emerald Forest, right?" I asked Gabe.

"Yeah." He said.

"Right then, we should get there early, to see the other students." I suggested.

Gabe shrugged, "Alright."

We made our way over to the Emerald Forest, where we were supposed to meet for our initiation.

Several people were already there, who were watching the students currently on the launching platforms.

It would be a while before it was our turn, but we came early, so that was okay with us.

I wasn't exactly sure who I wanted to be teamed up with for the next four years of my life.

All I know is, I have to be on a team with Gabe, I do not want to lose contact with my best friend, and currently the only one who I truly trust.

For the next half-hour or so, we discussed our landing strategy, where we would go once we landed, maybe some kind of signal, that sorta stuff.

Before we realized it, it was our turn.

The people whom we made friends with yesterday were only arriving.

Barely in time for the initiation.

Once all the platforms had one person in each of them, Ozpin talked to us about having to retrieve relics, within the forest and bring them back to the cliff which looked over the Emerald Forest.

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