Chapter 2

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Aimee's P.O.V.

I flung myself on my bed and layed face first on my pillow. Mum walked in behind me.

"So how was your first day?" mum asked.

"Terrible" i said into my pillow.

"Come on, im sure it wasnt that bad" she said.

I looked up at mum, "It was that bad".

I rolled over and layed on my back, looking up at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

"Did you meet anybody?" she asked.

"Yeah, i met this one guy" i replied.

"Is he cute?" she winked.

"Yeah, he is. But he has a girlfriend, so hes off limits" i said.

"That doesnt mean yous cant be friends" she smiled.

"I know" i smiled.

"I wont be home for dinner, so i left you a list of things to get" mum smiled and left the room.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone out of my bag.

I logged on to facebook to see i had a friend requst. I wonder who it was. Its was Jayden Sierra.

I smiled and pressed accept. I then went onto his profile and checked it out.

His last status was 'Jayden Sierra: Sometimes life brings people into your life when you least expect it'.

I wonder what thats all about? I liked it anyways, it already had 40 likes.

I looked through all his photos and couldnt stop smiling. He was so cute when he was little.

When i finished looking through his profile i went back on my news feed and checked that out.

It was getting boring so i logged off. I threw my phone at the end of my bed and got changed into trackies, a baggy jumper and my ugg boots. They make me so warm.

I decided to go for a walk to the shops down the road for mum. So i grabbed my phone, money and the list of things i needed to get.

I left the house and it was freezing out here! I started walking down the street, looking at all the houses that i passed.

I walked into the warm shop and looked around for what i needed. I heard a group of girls walk in, they were talking really loud.

I looked through the shelves and saw that it was Jaydens girlfriend and her friends, i think her names Kira.

I stood very still and listened.

"Did you hear that the new girl was talking to Jayden today?" one girl said.

"No way?!" Kira exclaimed.

"Its true, my friend saw it" another girl said.

"He knows not to talk to any other girl besides me" Kira replied.

"Apparantly she ran into him on her way to first period and then he walked her to class " the third girl said.

"What a hoe. Im going to have to have a word with him tomorrow" Kira said.

"And, did you see Jaydens recent facebook status?" the first girl asked again.

"No what was it?" Kira asked.

I watched as one of the girls passed Kira their phone.

"It's probably a quote that he saw on twitter or something" Kira smiled passing the phone back.

Best Night (A Jayden Sierra Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant