27. Do Your Chores

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Rule 27: Do Your Chores

Two Months Later


I was abruptly awoken by a shout of terror. I quickly jumped up, knowing exactly what was happening.

My head snapped to Ricky who laid beside me, whipping his body around in his sleep, his eyes screwed shut and eyebrows furrowed together. There was beads of sweat on his forehead and his chest was heaving up and down heavily in the darkness. His shouting has turned into light whimpers and groaning.

I held his arms down, to stop his thrashing. Shaking him, I started talking to him, trying to wake him up, "Ricky! Ricky wake up, it's okay".

I could feel his body relax under my touch and his head shot up, eyes opening wide. I saw relief wash over his face as he realised it was another nightmare.

I laid down next to him again, pulling him close. His hands went to my arms that were wrapped around him, grabbing hold of me, like he needed to make sure I was there.

"It's okay Ricky, it was just a dream", I cooed softly in his ear. I softly tangled my fingers in with his hair, calming him down quickly. "Everything's okay now", I continued softly, kissing his forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?", I asked Ricky after a few moments of silence. Ricky shook his head, making me sigh.

"Ricky, this is becoming a regular thing for you. Something's wrong and I don't want you to think you can't tell me", I told him softly.

Ricky was the one to sigh this time. "I know, it was nothing", Ricky bit his bottom lip, spinning the piercing that hung there, "It's just, Ryan and Vinny, and I-", Ricky struggled to explain. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.

"Ricky", I stopped him, "They left. You know they left. For good. They won't go near you again", I reassured him. I heard him gulp. I knew he was still terrified.

They said they aren't coming back since Ricky did their favour. Although I don't really know what he did for them. Everytime I bring it up he completely shuts down, he yells at me or leaves without saying a word. I hate that he keeps things from me, but if prefer him to do that then to leave him. I can't leave him. So I just won't question it. It's a twisted way to work in a relationship but I can't do anything about it.

"Are you okay now?", I asked him softly once again. I felt his head nod once, "Just, don't leave", he mumbled. I smiled softly, letting out bodies snuggle closer before drifting back to sleep.


"Are you ready to go?", Ricky grabs his keys off the counter. I nod taking in his dark eye makeup. He must of hardly slept last night. I sighed lightly to myself, before adding, "We have to stop at mine so I can get my bag, it has all my school books in it"

Ricky nods, grabbing my hand and leading me out of his house. Well, it was his mothers house but after everything went down, and half the building was blown to bits and pieces, she decided to give it to Ricky. In exchange, he had to never talk to her again. We don't know where she moved to or if she is coming back, but I don't think Ricky minds that much.

We left the house and climbed into Ricky's car, immediately taking off onto the road and down a few blocks to my own house. Although I'm not really there that often.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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