Protect the past, for the future part 9

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"Again" Loke sighed "These two boys are Grey and Grayson and Gray- who's the father and Lucy- who's the mother, sons?"

"Yes." Lucy said with a smile on her face.

"Hell yeah.." Gray smirked make Loke twitch., obviously- Loke knows that his friend is teasing him.

Loke stares at them for a while "I don't believe it.." he look at Lucy "don't play with them with this kind of game, Lucy" he said with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

Lucy smiled a bit "I won't lie about this Loke, and this is certainly not a joke." The seriousness is obvious in her voice.

50% , thats the only percentage that he believes that these kids are his friends sons.

Loke tsked "Fine, lets say that you guys already have s-sons.." he hesitated as he say the last word.

"He sounded like me when I found out about our kids." Lucy giggled a bit, and as always, unmeasurable happiness wrap around Gray's heart when he heard the word 'our'- its a word the really do sound good to hear.

"Are you guys listening to me?" Loke snap.

"Ha?" Lucy and Gray both said in union.

Loke glared at them then sigh "seriously guys?" He really wants to clear things.

Lucy look at Gray who's seriously looking at Loke right now "Grey and Grayson are my sons, mine and Lucy's"

"Its just impossible in so many way! Do you guys know how old are you?" - Loke

"That because.." Gray stopped as he look at Grey to ask a permission to tell Loke about them and the whole situation, his son nodded so he continue "they're from the future."

Loke stare at him with the 'huh' expression then it turns out 'you've gotta be kidding look'.

"We have some proof and.." Gray unconsciously plays with his fingers "both Lucy and I, felt it, ya know- the connection."

Gray look at Lucy who's looking at him also while smiling, he's not shocked though cause he felt earlier that his being watch by the mother of his kids.

Both of them stares at each other, not saying anything but their eyes are like talking.

Loke cant still believe on it 100%, but he's sure on what he's seeing right now- Lucy and Gray, there's something about these two.


"This is my key." Loke said while looking at Grey's Leo's key from thw future, he sigh "you kiddos are telling the truth."

"Of course we are, lying is bad!" Grayson pouted.

Grey hide Loke's key on his chest "it's good to see you here, Uncle Loke." He said.

"So.. uncle huh?" He awkwardly smile as he whispered.

Loke really like Lucy but its kind of adoration, he adores the woman's kindness and power, he likes her but never been felt that his in love with her.

But he knows, he can fall for her, she's lovable- but now? It's a good thing that he didn't fall for her, knowing that Lucy already have a future with Gray.

'With Gray.' Loke didn't even thought of that, that Lucy will actually will fall for his friend, maybe with Natsu because there are so many things already happened to them.

But with Gray?

Nah.. well, he knows that maybe something happened behind his back.

Looks like anything can have a plot twist isnt it?

Loke switch his gaze to the kitchen when Lucy and Gray got out from there, holding foods for them, laughing.

As he stare, he notice that the two kids quickly join their parents and help them.

"They look good." He mumble.



LOL.. I updated after I got home from work, well- I thought maybe I should update a quick and short one this time cause u know.. im busy and all but I cant make u wait lpng so for the meantime, bear with it xD

See in next Update..

Question: should I put the My Alpha Mate in GrayLu's MU or should I create another book?

What ya guys think?

Let Sie know~


Bonus Sie Note: I already updated it last last last last week? Then I notice no one had ever read this part so maybe watty didnt posted it -_- so here you go.

I reposted it.

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