Protect the past, for the future part 14

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Sie: first of all, i finished some chapters here but im having some problem publishing it here since watty wants me to have a fast data connection ⊙︿

Im doomed.





Ignored again.

"What's the problem?"

Ignored again.

Gray sighed as he frustratedly messed his hair.

The two kids silently watching their parents, they're used to this kind of scene.

All they should do is wait and let their parents deal with their own quarrel.

Lucy left the room without saying anything leaving Gray with a unexplained expression in his face.

He's still unaware what he did to make Lucy act like this.

"Ugh.. Why can't girls just said what's bothering them or what we did to them before acting like this?" He face palmed as he sit on the bed where his kids playing.

"They're girls dad.." Grey interrupted.

"they're naturally complicated." Grayson added.

Gray's forehead crinkled "Where did you get that?" How can his kids said something like that?

"Uncle Loke.." They both said in chorus.

"You mean, Loke in the future?"

"Yep." The boys said in chorus, popping the 'p'.

Gray sighed as he start thinking what he did wrong.

Woman, why so complicated?

"Yoh.." Loke raised his arms as he greeted them.

He was out to catch up with the other members of the guild.

"Hey.." Gray answered made Loke raised his eyebrow up.

"Lucy, huh?" Loke said in teasing tone.

Gray groaned as he stared at Loke "I still cant figure out what i did wrong.."

"Gray, my friend.." Loke sat on a single sofa "If a girl is mad at you for some reason, there's one possible answer to that- jealousy." Actually he's not sure about what he said, despite of being a playboy back then- he still cant figure girls out.

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