Epilogue: A Christmas Spent With Family

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"Mommy!" a small voice cried from the side of Zelda's bed as she slept. "Mommy!" she heard again, and then felt someone get onto the bed and start to jump up and down.

"Mooooom, come on!!" a different voice yelled from the door.

Zelda sat up and yawned. "What..." she replied sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.

"Dad wants you before we open our presents."

Zelda blinked and then focused on the waiting gazes of her two children; ages ten and six, Melody and Ludren.

"Alright, I'm coming," she said as she yawned again. "Give me a minute, I have to get ready for this day."

Minutes later she went after her kids and grabbed her children's hands. "Remember, Christmas isn't about presents. It's about family."

"We know!" they said back as they pulled her down the hall and into the kitchen. "So go to daddy!" they said in unison as they pushed her inside the room.

"Wait what? Did you plan thi-" Zelda started to question but she wasn't fast enough before the girl and boy shut the door. She sighed and rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips as she turned to her husband. "Did you recruit our children?"

Link turned the stove off with a click and slid the pan off the burner. "What? I don't know what you're talking about," he said as he walked over to her, sliding his arms around her waist.

"You bribed them with presents didn't you?" she asked.

"Of course not. They volunteered," Link replied as he kissed her lightly.

"Why would they do that?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because they know Christmas is important to their parents, and that daddy wanted a few minutes alone with mommy."

Zelda smiled as he kissed her again, she moved her hands from her hips and looped them up and around his neck to pull him closer.

He smiled as he moved her against the counter.

Zelda sank into the moment for a good while...

Then... "Alright Link, the kids are waiting," Zelda said as she drew back.

Link tilted his head to the side. "They've got their breakfast."

Zelda raised an eyebrow and smirked. "And we're their parents. Come on, let's join them... Before Ludren throws a pancake covered in syrup at the ceiling like he did last week."

Link smiled and then nodded. He took their plates in his hands and led the way out to the table. They could see the Christmas tree with presents underneath it from where they sat across from their children.

"Mommy look!" Ludren called as he took an enormous bite out of his pancake.

"Oh honey, that's very impressive but you could choke on such a big bite," she warned gently.

"Okay..." he said after he had finally swallowed.

After the family had finished their breakfast they all moved to the living room. "Merry Christmas kids, do your worst to the wrapping paper," Link said as he gave the kids their presents.

Link sat beside her and he looked over at her with a smile. "Merry Christmas," he said.

Zelda turned her gaze from the tree, where that dried up patch of mistletoe was hanging from the top branch.

"Merry Christmas, Link," she said as they leaned in for another kiss, the sounds of paper ripping in the background of their Christmas morning.

A New Family; Zelink, Modern Christmas (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now