Chapter 15

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Your POV

You smiled nervously as you watched your father draw the dagger from his belt. He looked at you, his eyes cold, no sense of love for you. Even if you were his daughter, it didn't seem like it. You quickly turned and ran out of the house. You began to head to Rhydian's house, but you remembered that you had gotten into a fight with him. You looked around frantically, sniffing the air as you took off in the direction of the woods, following a scent that you hoped was the rest of the pack.

As you began to near the scent, getting stronger with every step, you were tackled by another person. Frantically lashing out, thinking it was your dad, you punched blindly, trying to get your attacker off when you heard him laughing from above you. Opening your eyes, confused, you saw that it was Crow. "Crow!" you called out happily, hugging him in your excitement. He laughed and smiled, hugging you back lightly.

"What's wrong, pup?" he asked you, getting off and offering his hand to you so you could get up. You happily accepted his hand and stood up next to him, brushing yourself off as you cast your eyes around nervously before focusing back in on him.

"I'm being chased by my father," you told him quietly. Crow tilted his head, slightly confused.

"Your father?" ha asked you, trying to confirm this fact. You nodded eagerly as his gaze turned more serious. "Why is he chasing you?" he asked.

"I don't know, but he new that I was a werewolf, and he had a dagger made out of silver," you told him frantically. Without giving you much time to think, Crow grabbed your hand and took of running with you.

"We have to tell my dad. He'll want to know about this," Crow told you as he kept running. You nodded silently, focusing on not tripping over roots, and trying to control your breathing. Crow looked back at you and slowed down, noticing your heavy breathing. "Sorry. I guess I have to remember that you're not used to running this much," Crow said apologetically. You smiled at him when you were about to respond, but he simply picked you up bridal style and started running again. You exclaimed loudly when he picked you up, and kind of froze for a little bit, your mind trying to translate what was going on as he ran on.

It wasn't very long until you two reached the rest of the pack, and Crow set you down on the ground. Rhydian's dad, Drake, came out of a small hut, similar to the one Rhydian took you to the first time for your first transformation. He looked at you, and then directed his gaze to Crow, questioning clear in his eyes. "What's going on?" he asked finally.

"Her dad's a hunter, and he was going to kill her. I ran into her, and I'm pretty sure that he's on his way now. We have to move," Crow told him. Drake's gaze sharpened as he growled lowly, not liking how Crow spit out orders to him to move his pack.

"I agree that we should move, but not on your orders, Crow." he snarled. You shrunk down a little bit, feeling threatened by him. His cool-temperament returned as he looked at you. "You're sure of this, (Y/N)? I wouldn't want to move my pack unnecessarily," he asked you. You nodded your head.

"I swear my life upon it, I am correct," you responded. Drake looked you over for a minute before nodding, feeling satisfied with that answer.

"Alright. Well, if (Y/N) is correct, there is now a hunter in the area. We must move back to our hunting grounds, and stop resting here. Blossom, send a message to Rhydian and Maggie. Tell them that (Y/N)'s father is a hunter. They'll either move, or Maggie will bring Rhydian to our territory," Drake called out. He looked back at you as he walked over, placing his hand on your shoulder and walking you away from the group. "I mean to ask, do you need me to teach you how to shift at will?" Drake asked you. You nodded lightly as he smiled broadly. "Alright. It takes patience your first few times, but just focus on your heartbeat. Close your eyes and imagine yourself changing shape, and running alongside a pack of white wolves. Approach the tunnel ahead of you and jump through it. Drake stood by as you followed his steps, opening your eyes to find yourself at waist height to Drake now. He smiled and patted your head. "Good job for your first try," he told you, shifting into a wolf as well, his fur long and black as he looked at you with his Dark blue eyes.

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